So you people can see who your talking to. It's kind of an old pic (few years?). I also put up another older one in "My Pics". I have bigger sideburns and more piercings now (not that you can see any anyway). And, the pic is stretched a bit. I'll fix it soon...
Ah! New entry. Leave the old one behind. Not so behind, but... Anyway... I hate work, but it's my only "safe haven". Not even my house. It bugs me. My dog, cat, and fish are my only companions. Very sad. Very sad. My girl was going to move in but... The break up is killing me... Anyway... I hope all of you are doing a lot better than myself. My Oldsmobile's transmission is crapping out on me. No $. Errr...
I need a vacation. I can't remember my last one... It's been a while. Few years??? Won't have one till next summer though. Burning Man. I need to get away. I need to leave this fake plastic hell-hole called Miami. You might hear great things, but it sucks here. People are too superficial, they don't know how to have a good time. It's all about looks. If you don't like shitty little meat-markets (A.K.A the clubs down here) you're screwed because theres nothing else to do here (not that I can remember anyway). No I guess most people feel that way about the places they've lived at their whole lives. Right? Maybe I'll try to do something in Christmas... We'll see. Any ideas???
P.S. Tell me something (not to be taken literally
Ah! New entry. Leave the old one behind. Not so behind, but... Anyway... I hate work, but it's my only "safe haven". Not even my house. It bugs me. My dog, cat, and fish are my only companions. Very sad. Very sad. My girl was going to move in but... The break up is killing me... Anyway... I hope all of you are doing a lot better than myself. My Oldsmobile's transmission is crapping out on me. No $. Errr...

P.S. Tell me something (not to be taken literally

How's your weekend going so far? Glad you and the lady in question have talked.
I uploaded new pictures of my hair do. Talk to you later!