Ok, so my BBQ. It was a great success! I had about 15 people over. I marinated some steaks the night before in beer and a few other things, they were fabulous! I also made about 15 pounds of potatoes into some badass mashed potatoes with the help of my bestestfriend.
We had chicken marinated in BBQ sauce, potato salad, brownies, hot dogs, and a few other things. I scored major brownie points with my girl.
But, there was only one problem,
this jerk-off (my girls ex) showed up unannounced, as he was told not to come. I hate that guy! My bestfriend hates that guy! Most people I know hate that guy. I didn't like him the first time I met him (first impressions are everything), and that was before I even knew he went out with my girl. I don't hate him because he's my girls ex, that would be dumb, I just don't like the way he is and the way he carries himself. He's the type of person that uses people and thinks he's the shit. I HATE THAT! So anyway, he showed up, and I made this BBQ so we could all have a good time and hang out. So I came up to him, gave him this whole speech about him being a dipshit and me not liking him and let him in for some food and beer. Fuck it, keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Nah, I just figured I'm bigger than he is (as a person, he's actually 2 feet taller, I can still take him though.
). So, we all ended up having a great time and eating some great food. My girl seems happy with me once again. I just have to keep up the socialness.
I really don't mind it though. It's ok, I guess I need it.
How was you weekend?

Thanks for the complements on the cards, website and profile pic. You wont be disappointed when you get the deck well maybe a little because Fractal isn't in it. A lot of people were kind of pissed about that but she just didn't have the photos I needed when I was working on the cards. But hey your other two fav girls are in the deck.
Wow that is one sweet ride you have in your candid pics.
I still haven't got around to have my labret piercing done. I'm putting that on old a lil while, til I have the money for it. Then I need to have my arm tattoo worked on more. Money, money, money...
Btw, maltese puppies are cute. Cindy is a sweet name
I just hope that these baths and collars help her to have the best of life as she can have.!