Still raining... My poor cat... Anyway... My back still hurts. I'm sick. My throat is killing me, I'm extremely tired, dizzy, and sneezing a lot. What a shit. Have the day off from work tomorrow though! That's a good thing right? Hmmm... Friday... hope theres something interesting going on. Tyranny of Shaw is playing, but the show is too far... I think I have a fever... My day was pretty decent though. How was yours???
Did you know Plymouth came out with the first automatic convertible top ever in the year 1939???
Did you know Plymouth came out with the first automatic convertible top ever in the year 1939???

You seem like a mess, eh? hope you feel better soon. Anything planned for the long weekend? sleep?
My day was alright. Went shopping, ate out....the whole nine yards. Now it's boring though, I'm off to bed soon. Maybe it will be more interesting in my dreams
You can add me as a friend if you'd like, I'll do the same.
Take care of yourself and get rid of that cold soon.
**edited to add...whoa nice car in your pics***
[Edited on Aug 28, 2003]