Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm alive. I'm working 50 hours and six days a week so that I can go to Australia on tour next summer. I'm eating not-great, sleeping not-great, and feeling not-great. I miss a lot of people. I have some big fun opportunities on the horizon (well, small fun anyway). My car needs its regularly scheduled maintenance. I'm cooking for other people a lot. I'm supporting my friends' music. I'm getting closer to my goals and my dreams. I'm trying not to kill my boss. And my computer almost never works anymore.
I'm alive. I'm working 50 hours and six days a week so that I can go to Australia on tour next summer. I'm eating not-great, sleeping not-great, and feeling not-great. I miss a lot of people. I have some big fun opportunities on the horizon (well, small fun anyway). My car needs its regularly scheduled maintenance. I'm cooking for other people a lot. I'm supporting my friends' music. I'm getting closer to my goals and my dreams. I'm trying not to kill my boss. And my computer almost never works anymore.
I try and Palm Pilot my workouts, but the truth is that if there's not someone else, besides me, that's going to be pissed I'm not there, I'm probably not going to show at this point... Sad but true.