I have been having a very strange last few days. I'll explain better. I was adopted at birth into a loving family and have never really know much about my birth parents. Well, just recently my adoptive mother has told me that my birth parents have contacted her through an intermediary of the state and are asking questions about how I grew up. They don't necessarily want to meet me or anything they just want to know that I had a good life and was placed into a loving home. So, what I have found out so far is that I have a half sister who is one year older than me and that is why I was put up for adoption. My birth mother was only 16 at the time and couldn't have a second child and be that young. Plus, my birth father is full blooded Native American. I have only gotten bits and pieces out of my adopted mother who lives across country from me through short phone calls. I guess all I can say is that I'm in a bit of shock and awe. It's cool to know part of my heritage and that I have a new sibling.
tnx for answering!

hey, hun - you need to use the "update" function (top right corner) to update your journal, rather than comenting in your own comments! I want to let you into Girls Only, but your most recent journal entry is nearly 2 months old!
please reapply soon.