Almost at a week.
Today will be the 7th day.
Then: 358 more days and 358 pretty pictures to go.
Happy easter!

Franny - Waiting
I have a new day dawning, maybe.
My bed is now not small but, too empty.
I have been getting drunk on a regular basis. My life alone means nothing but, self-preservation.

I figure, I'll learn to live with it,
I find it strange, in a way, that I cannot seem to put 'Atlas Shrugged' down.
Although, the copy I was given, if it was put down, would probably disintegrate.
The American Apparel catalog, makes me feel like I just got done looking at hardcore pornography.
This is when thing happen, now.
Stop and try and think about now.
Guess what, you missed it.
Sorry, I don't blog.
Not the way people are 'supposed' to.

Mostly, I use blogs as scratch paper for words.
It's like toilet paper for my soul.