Tuesday Jun 29, 2004 Jun 29, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email yay, my exboyfriend reads all my comments on here. VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS menotyou: Hah! It's not his total nakedness that freaked me out. It was the utter lack of genitalia...unnatural and unholy. Jul 2, 2004 gutterman: His name is Sir Skweak of Fairfax, and he is 15. Both of his parents were champion showcats, so we had to sign a contract stating that we would never show him, or breed him with any other purebred cat, as his parents didn't want the competition. Jul 3, 2004
Both of his parents were champion showcats, so we had to sign a contract stating that we would never show him, or breed him with any other purebred cat, as his parents didn't want the competition.