Working hard at getting Ragga Zombie the recognition he so deserves. Zombies Rock!!
If youre in the west end of London stick your head in the photographers gallery, I mean you dont have to its just a suggestion, ohh and its free, the gallery and the suggestion. Anyways up Stephen Shore is an American photographer, he takes pictures and you might like them, especially if you are an American pineing For The Big sky or whatever. Is that how you spell to pine?
Ohh and you could do worse than check out go home productions for some interesting and once again free weird and wacky remixes. You might like them, you might not, what have you got to loose?
Certainly not your virginity judging by your profiles!
Yeah and to top it all, my mates mum brought me back a new pair of Dickies pants from US of A, $28, mates mums rock, pants or no pants.. & mates they rock to!

If youre in the west end of London stick your head in the photographers gallery, I mean you dont have to its just a suggestion, ohh and its free, the gallery and the suggestion. Anyways up Stephen Shore is an American photographer, he takes pictures and you might like them, especially if you are an American pineing For The Big sky or whatever. Is that how you spell to pine?

Ohh and you could do worse than check out go home productions for some interesting and once again free weird and wacky remixes. You might like them, you might not, what have you got to loose?
Certainly not your virginity judging by your profiles!
Yeah and to top it all, my mates mum brought me back a new pair of Dickies pants from US of A, $28, mates mums rock, pants or no pants.. & mates they rock to!

ehm validated to what??'

Oh, and by the way: for evidence that zombies rock, see Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video.