My first exams-- midterms, really-- for both classes are scheduled for this week. Of course, with my need to study this weekend, this was the one weekend in which I had to attend all-day mentoring conferences. I love how that works; why would a university schedule conferences for student mentors during a crunch week like this?

I got a little studying in on the math,...
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Good luck on your midterms! How does the student mentoring thing work?

That's so cool that a kitten appeared on your doorstep! Was it already in your apartment building or did it come in from outside? Do you think someone might try to claim it?

I think my gerbils will be ok. They're from the same litter and they lived together for 1.5 years before the 'tail chomping' incident. I think they just got cranky. I had another pair of gerbils a few years ago that I had to separate permanently; they'd been chasing each other around for quite a few days and then one of them started relentlesly biting the other one all over the flank. I also had a pair once that got along great for 3 years until one of them got old and sick and I came home one day to find that the other had neatly disemboweled his 'friend' and left him belly-up in the centre of the cage cult-style.

I've heard that hamsters are tricky to keep in pairs/groups - I gather that you had the misfortune of witnessing trauma-inducing rodent violence on a regular basis as a child?
Hey, Dude. I just wanted to apologize for calling you an idiot in the CE forums. It just felt like it was me against the world for a second there and I became defensive and sick of clarifying things. It was immature to respond to you in that way and I truly am sorry.

P.s. Sylvia plath is one of my heroines!
And the stupid, passive non-relationship/relationship continues with the g/f. Anyway, enough about that. On to the usual once-every-couple-of-months-random-things-in-my-life journal entry.

Midway through the fall semester, and I have no idea how I'm doing in my classes. Neither Math 441 or History 114 have quizzes, and neither has had their first exam yet. I could be doing really well; I could fail miserably. Who knows?

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Hey I saw your comment in the Introverts group and I thought I'd say hi. I like that you don't have a very extensive friends list - maybe that sounds wierd, but I usually don't like posting if people already have 3 pages of comments and a jillion people on their friends list.

I'm glad you like dancing - I haven't gone in such a long time but I used to love it. Good taste in movies too... although I've always skipped over 'Kiki's Delivery Service' on the rental shelf - what would you recommend about it?

Sounds like 'Kiki' is a lot more subtle than most anime. Maybe I'll give it a try some time. I hate english dub-overs too - subtitles are always way better.

About your girlfriend's eterna-project - it's easier to think something is cool when you can appreciate the end product without having to do any of the work... and once you're bogged down in something it's easy to forget what drew you to it in the first place. So definately remind her that from an outsider's perspective modelling IS way cool and she's lucky to have a cool job.

I would love to get more into to hydrogeology and geochemistry - my academic background was mostly in water/waste water treatment so I've been edging my way into the contaminated sites stuff from a less technical angle and filling in the gaps in my education as I go along. Sometimes I contemplate going back to do a master's one day, but watching my boyfriend slave away on his eterna-thesis has been a bit of a deterrent, I'm afraid. Besides, at least one of us needs to be employed!
So, I went out dancing tonight. A fun night out. A frustrating night out. Something to make me think about what, exactly, I'm doing with my life right now.

I won't go into the background story of my relationship with my girlfriend; it'd take too long, and it's too easy to misinterpret. Suffice it to say that I'm frustrated with the lack of movement, and...
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Ho ho, I've been drinking, time to make a post.

I don't do this too often; I usually post when I'm unhappy, so a lack of posts is probably good news.

Boredom and a lack of funds to do anything meaningful over the last few weeks meant that I started coming online a lot again, started reading the boards here on SG after a lapse...
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God, it's been such a long time since I came on here. Amazing that my account's still up, really.

Haven't been through much/have been through a lot since the last post. A nice dichotomy.

Wriggled through some difficult classes, still have a 4.0, got a top-100 ranking by the university, blah blah blah. I'm in the latter parts of my education now, and it's been...
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Spent a good couple of hours on the phone last night with Heather. (Not the g/f, the friend). Talked about a lot of stuff- romances, job problems, whatever. Ended up reflecting on how much our ideals and goals have changed over the years...

She's given me crap in the past for reflecting on this stuff, but it finally hit her, too. She sat in her...
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So it ended.

I had the worst weekend of my life, the day I hoped would never happen, but the day I knew was coming "soon" for a while now.

I woke up on Saturday morning to find my kitty, Molly, lying still on my bed. Breathing, but unable to meow. I picked her up, and she felt so light... I carried her out to...
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I itch like hell.

Did some volunteer work a couple of weekends ago for the United Way, and was put on a crew sent to refurbish homes near Fall Creek for a project designed to combat the gentrification going on a few blocks over. Rehab a house, sell it to a member of the community for its original cost, rather than rehab a home, increase...
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Teaching... is cool. I like it so far.

I have a great group of morning students that are fresh out of high school, a group I initially feared. They're enthusiastic, bright, willing to interact. Much more into learning than I'd have imagined.

The night-time sessions aren't quite as good; the few students who show up are great, but the percentage coming in is woefully small....
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31. Hmm.

Thanks to those who posted birthday greetings; I shall, at some point, get to your journals and post thank-yous, but I'm on a lunch break that's about to end, and want to do an update, and... yeah.

Haven't been on in a while. Big surprise.

Went through the intensive training program for new instructors a little over a week ago, and started school...
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