So, let's try to pack three years into one post. Continuing the themes of years past, this is about school and love.


I'm still in school, but the end is finally in sight. When I went through my transcripts and academic planners over the summer to see what I needed to take, I realized that I was one class away from meeting graduation requirements...
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Happy birthday!
Wow - that is SOME story about your ex. I felt kind of bad for feeling entertained - I know that it was probably really serious and painful, but WOW.

I guess I'm not one to talk, since I'm also embarking upon my 8th (non consecutive) year of University and finishing up a second degree, but that's a lot of school dude! You seem to enjoy it, though, so if you can get the funding for grad school, why not?
Nearly three years since my last entry. Holy crap.

Anyway. I just got back from the Chicago Comicon, which is indirectly why I'm back on here. I finally let my SG membership lapse a few months ago, since I'd turned to Facebook for most of my online socializing (such as it is), and because the combination of my working and academic life had knocked my...
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Hey! Great to hear from you again. Welcome back!
Interesting, interesting. (Well, to me, anyway. Boring to anyone else, so sorry for the long post.)

Oh, yeah, well I suppose it's been a while since my last post, so the usual updates: so far, I'm doing well in all of my classes, though it's still up in the air which way I'll go in philosophy. While my other classes (math 453, soc. 100, etc.)...
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As usual, a while since my last post. Anyway.

Not much is going on, really... exhausted with work and school. Taking four courses this semester-- Philosophy 418 (Hume's Skepticism), Math 463 (Abstract Algebra), Sociology 100 (Intro), UCOL 204 (Mentoring: Independent Research). 10 credit hours in all, a little much on top of working and doing the supplemental instruction for logic, but I'm surviving thus far,...
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Okay, I suppose sometime I have to write about it. This'll be fucking long.

So, a few weeks ago, a Monday morning, I rented a car and drove. And drove. And drove.

I got a decent car-- a 2007 Corolla. Its CD player sucked, though, unable to play MP3s, so I made a stop in a small town just before Ohio to pick up some...
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It's enjoyable to me to read about traveling on roads... for fun. My own perspective is rather jaded after a couple of million miles of doing it professionally. Thanks for the interesting read.
That was fun to read! The part about jangling your token bucket at the single mom was funny.

I'm outta here pretty soon (subscriptions up) - so I wish you all the best. Take more road trips! Never go for a decade without a vacation ever again!

PS Prince rocks
I went to Louisville on Friday evening. Had fun dancing, but drank too much, and it took more than a day to recover. I gotta quit doing this.

Anyway. I also had a lot of caffeine on Friday, and finally resolved on the drive back to Indianapolis that I'd "go." I'd go to New Hampshire instead of hemming and hawing about it. Dropped Tony off,...
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That sounds like a pretty surreal trip - warranties are such a drag!
The usual long thing here.

Well, I got my retroactive pay increase. The lump sum was on the low end of estimates... after taxes, a few thousand on top of my wages. Not bad at all-- I'm still a little stunned. (What do I buy? What do I buy?) The forthgoing pay increase is pretty nice too, though it looks like I got bumped up...
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All that stuff about dancing brought back so many memories - I totally used to go to clubs to dance and be alone (in your case it sounds like you don't necessarily WANT to be alone, but are comfortable as an introvert just the same). Anyway, it's funny how it's possible to simultaneously be a bit withdrawn (i.e. trouble with small talk) and yet not shy (i.e. middle of the dance floor).

Maybe you could reply "thanks - could I buy you a drink?" and if they get all wierded out then maybe they weren't flirting with you after all. The only time this ever worked on me was at raves, though, so it was always like "thanks - want to sniff my menthol inhaler?" or something like that.

Also, bar small talk with girls shouldn't be too hard if you just ask them a bunch of questions and get them to talk about themselves. Once I had a guy tell me where/when he usually hung out (i.e so that I could try to bump into him again if I wanted to), which I thought was more comfortable than exchanging phone numbers or setting up a formal date after meeting a total stranger for the first time. Also, another time I'd been chatting with someone for a while when he said "so can I start hitting on you yet?" which I thought was pretty funny and cute.
One of the more dangerous things that I can have in this world is free time, which is something I've had in abundance for the last month or so. No school, just work, and all the time I need to ruminate on life.

I won't bitch across multiple long paragraphs in this post-- it's the same melancholy crap as usual, and I really sound like...
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Carefull on the workaholic tendancies ok? Unless I'm reading you wrong - I remember you mentioning that you used to work 100-hour weeks, that you don't like to take vacation b/c you feel guilty about leaving work (and as such haven't been on vacation for 10 years!?), and now that you are taking a bit of a break you feel devoid of a reason to exist. I don't mean to sound callous though, b/c I know where you're coming from - takes one to know one I guess. Hang in there.

PS: Who was Lindsey again?

So, at work, there has been a bit of a power struggle over the last couple of months regarding my payroll. It's somewhat arcane stuff (the following will be kinda confusing and meaningless unless you work for WM-- sorry, but I figure I'll write it out so that I can look back on this years from now and remember); I work for division 10, the...
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First vacation in a DECADE!?! Yikes - it's about time dude! Congrats on snagging more cash.
I haven't been doing a good job at keeping up with posting on here. Sorry for the one or two of you who actually have occasion to read this thing, then.

Anyway. The Spring 07 semester ended fairly well-- 4.0s all around; I expected that grade in chaos and the last of the mentoring classes, but I was really surprised to pull it off in...
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So did you get the laundry under wraps? Have you recuperated enough to start having fun?
I went on a cleaning binge too. I even dry cleaned my window curtains.