Well. It's been a while since my last post, though it doesn't feel like it for me. Random stuff ahead.
I was going to wait to post until I could find my old gothy pics, but... I can't find them on this computer. I'm thinking i may have left them on the HD of my old computer... the old computer that doesn't like to boot...
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I was going to wait to post until I could find my old gothy pics, but... I can't find them on this computer. I'm thinking i may have left them on the HD of my old computer... the old computer that doesn't like to boot...
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In respect to the last entry... yeah, I used to be a gothy kid. Somewhere I have a scanned photo of myself being all dramatic on a toppled tombstone. Perhaps I'll post it.
Gah. A frustrating day doing mentoring yesterday; one of those types of days that makes me question the idea of becoming a teacher in the future, as (undoubtedly) I'd face similar...
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Gah. A frustrating day doing mentoring yesterday; one of those types of days that makes me question the idea of becoming a teacher in the future, as (undoubtedly) I'd face similar...
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It sounds like that girl you mentor has serious anxiety issues and needs coundelling. or drugs. I owe my engineering degree to anti-anxiety medication.
Congrats for being smart and good at video games. And on your second/extended adolescence. TOTALLY post your goth pics.
Congrats for being smart and good at video games. And on your second/extended adolescence. TOTALLY post your goth pics.
What a stupid weekend.
Oh, I got stuff done that I needed to get done, and finally started on the research necessary for this mentoring project that I need to do...
After work on Friday morning, I went to campus, and hacked together a collection of academic papers i could use for my future paper. I'd been putting off any work on that (despite having...
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Oh, I got stuff done that I needed to get done, and finally started on the research necessary for this mentoring project that I need to do...
After work on Friday morning, I went to campus, and hacked together a collection of academic papers i could use for my future paper. I'd been putting off any work on that (despite having...
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That's too bad about the reaction from the artists. I hang out with alot of theater actors, but I've had pretty good success talking about engineering at their parties - they all say it's refreshing to be around someone who talks about something other than theater. Also, I usually open with how I came to the only engineer in a group of friends who are actors and poke fun at myself a bit, so maybe that helps.
That's SO great that you were a goth.
That's SO great that you were a goth.
This one won't be whiny. Much. I promise.
I'm sitting here dreading what will occur in this city in a few hours. Super Bowl takes place later on this evening, and I'm afraid that when i wake up and leave the house this evening, there'll be drunken revellers out yelling "woo-hoo!" and driving around. Or out screaming that we were robbed. Whichever occurs, it'll be......
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I'm sitting here dreading what will occur in this city in a few hours. Super Bowl takes place later on this evening, and I'm afraid that when i wake up and leave the house this evening, there'll be drunken revellers out yelling "woo-hoo!" and driving around. Or out screaming that we were robbed. Whichever occurs, it'll be......
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Actually I really liked your last post. I just didn't have time to read it before now. It made me want to shout out all sorts of predictable advice like "dump Heather!" "bag the waffle girl!" and "wow that girl you mentor sonds stupid!" (ok - that last one wasn't advice.) Unfortunately, super bowl and MP3 players aren't great conversation starters for me - but I hope Super Bowl Sunday wasn't as crazy a NHL playoffs get up here and I'm glad you're rediscovering some favorite tunes.
Another post of disjointed ramblings. Sorry if you're the kind of person who takes the time to read these things, since I'm sure the few readable nuggets tend to be buried in pages of crap. One thing I've never promised is that I'd be entertaining.
I wonder what it means when a finger mysteriously swells up and stiffens several times over the course of...
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I wonder what it means when a finger mysteriously swells up and stiffens several times over the course of...
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A new semester has begun. The basics: I signed up for two math classes this semester-- 442, Mathematical Analysis II, and 333, Chaotic Dynamical Systems. There's a definite leap in diffuculty from 300-level to 400-level. What's interesting is that both are taught by the same teacher, same room, right in a row. The teacher gave me a funny look when I sat in after 442...
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"Chaotic Dynamical Systems" would be a great name for a band.
You seem too nice to do this, but I wished you'd told those girls "no, you're both just ugly" when they called you gay.... it would've served them right for being attention whores... but that's kind of elementary school I guess (not that they were being mature either)
You seem too nice to do this, but I wished you'd told those girls "no, you're both just ugly" when they called you gay.... it would've served them right for being attention whores... but that's kind of elementary school I guess (not that they were being mature either)
About 90 credit hours down, 40 more to go.
4.0s in mathematical analysis I (3 credit hours), mentoring techniques III (1 credit hour), and history of western civilization II (3 credit hours). Interesting. I never thought I'd make it this far in school, let alone continue getting grades like this. For the first few semesters, it felt like some kind of fluke that I did...
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4.0s in mathematical analysis I (3 credit hours), mentoring techniques III (1 credit hour), and history of western civilization II (3 credit hours). Interesting. I never thought I'd make it this far in school, let alone continue getting grades like this. For the first few semesters, it felt like some kind of fluke that I did...
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Hope the kitty gets better soon after her operation ....
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
"just gazing into each others' eyes over waffles for a couple of hours"
Forget cliches - the "you create your own family thing" rules!
So are you for sure planning to pursue a doctorate?

Forget cliches - the "you create your own family thing" rules!
So are you for sure planning to pursue a doctorate?
A hell of a week. I really hate this time of year any more; so much stuff coincides around the second week of December now-- multiple anniversaries I'd rather not remember, finals, work becomes its usual holiday hell.
Anyway. A year since Molly died. I miss her tremendously. This new cat is okay; we spent a good hour cuddled up last night on the couch,...
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Anyway. A year since Molly died. I miss her tremendously. This new cat is okay; we spent a good hour cuddled up last night on the couch,...
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"only 3.8s" - must be nice!
So, a few days after my last journal post, I sent a long, rambling, but much-thought-out letter to Heather F., setting out my position concerning "us." It'll be interesting to see what she has to say next time I get to talk to her; she tends to hate the more emotional, from-the-heart e-mails, but I'd been suffering a bit of l'esprit d'escalier since I'd last...
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I know exactly what you're saying about younger girls thinking you're "23 or 24". Best feeling in the world. Also being a divorcee, I never did any dating in my twenties, but the girls that seem to be attracted to me are 21-24, and what do you know, I like them too.
But what brought me to your page was not semi-lecherous antics
but a comment you made about going through non-stop Jucifer and Pain Teens listening phases. I love both band, Pain Teens being one of my all-time faves. I also go through phases where I just can't get enough of them.
But what brought me to your page was not semi-lecherous antics

Did you ever get to see the Pain Teens live? What's your favorite album? Alas, no, and Beast of Dreams and Stimulation Festival are neck-and-neck for me. Destroy Me Lover was great too. Hell, they're all fucking great.
As for Jucifer, unfortunately both times I've seen them live they sucked ass. Their buhzillion amps schtick is impressive at first, but you couldn't hear the vox or the drums (!) either time... 2 years apart, and in different clubs! I mean, Amber is nice to look at in a Bratz! doll sort of way, but I want to hear her voice!
As for Jucifer, unfortunately both times I've seen them live they sucked ass. Their buhzillion amps schtick is impressive at first, but you couldn't hear the vox or the drums (!) either time... 2 years apart, and in different clubs! I mean, Amber is nice to look at in a Bratz! doll sort of way, but I want to hear her voice!
An open letter to a non-member.
Thanks for calling me this weekend. I haven't heard from you in a long time. A ridiculously long time.
Harlan asked me last night why I never dated Tara. I replied that there was too much drama (which there was), and he laughed and said "yeah, kinda poor white trash, isn't it?" Not really. It was funny coming after...
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Thanks for calling me this weekend. I haven't heard from you in a long time. A ridiculously long time.
Harlan asked me last night why I never dated Tara. I replied that there was too much drama (which there was), and he laughed and said "yeah, kinda poor white trash, isn't it?" Not really. It was funny coming after...
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ha ha, yep, so I understand the jadedness.

Surely you'll swing the bachelor's before 40 - you still have 8 years (according to your profile)! Thanks for the Hallowe'en post

Note: Look for the teenaged girl who's wearing the pink T-shirt "God Hates Fags!" It's all pretty sweet.