I'm hung-over. And it feels fine.
Went out drinking last night, with Tony as designated driver. End-of-semester celebration/letting loose, and all of that jazz.
4.0 in both classes, though a disappointment in each. I got a 98 on the differential equations final, which is frustrating; I know from triple-checking, plugging things in, etc., that all of my answers were spot-on, 100% correct. I'm thinking I got docked a couple of points for "showing work" or lack thereof which sucks, since I show all of my work, label it so the teacher can follow my thought processes sequentially, etc. My guess? I got nailed for jumping too far ahead after determining the integrating factor for a linear DE, and/or for setting up an oscillating/damped/with-force DE in its final form without showing its original set-up. Bah.
Not that it matters much. I got a 4.0. It's just frustrating since I'm a bit of a perfectionist in the class.
The disappointment in the logic class was a little less nit-picky; I really suffered in the final from having missed a class to attend the awards function. A bit of common sense and (heh) logical thinking carried me far, but I probably pulled a high-B/low-A on that test. Not bad, though, since the final counted as two exams, and the grading allows the lowest two exam grades to be dropped. I technically could have skipped that final and gotten a 4.0.
In a week, the summer session starts up; Spanish II for 6 weeks, then Spanish III. Immersion- the best way to learn a language, and the best way to go insane. I do think this might end my run of all 4.0s.
Not much to be said about the night out drinking. It was fun, but... eh. I missed the company of Heather. I'll be seeing her tonight.
She's the best thing to come into my life in a long, long time.
Went out drinking last night, with Tony as designated driver. End-of-semester celebration/letting loose, and all of that jazz.
4.0 in both classes, though a disappointment in each. I got a 98 on the differential equations final, which is frustrating; I know from triple-checking, plugging things in, etc., that all of my answers were spot-on, 100% correct. I'm thinking I got docked a couple of points for "showing work" or lack thereof which sucks, since I show all of my work, label it so the teacher can follow my thought processes sequentially, etc. My guess? I got nailed for jumping too far ahead after determining the integrating factor for a linear DE, and/or for setting up an oscillating/damped/with-force DE in its final form without showing its original set-up. Bah.
Not that it matters much. I got a 4.0. It's just frustrating since I'm a bit of a perfectionist in the class.
The disappointment in the logic class was a little less nit-picky; I really suffered in the final from having missed a class to attend the awards function. A bit of common sense and (heh) logical thinking carried me far, but I probably pulled a high-B/low-A on that test. Not bad, though, since the final counted as two exams, and the grading allows the lowest two exam grades to be dropped. I technically could have skipped that final and gotten a 4.0.
In a week, the summer session starts up; Spanish II for 6 weeks, then Spanish III. Immersion- the best way to learn a language, and the best way to go insane. I do think this might end my run of all 4.0s.
Not much to be said about the night out drinking. It was fun, but... eh. I missed the company of Heather. I'll be seeing her tonight.
She's the best thing to come into my life in a long, long time.