My first exams-- midterms, really-- for both classes are scheduled for this week. Of course, with my need to study this weekend, this was the one weekend in which I had to attend all-day mentoring conferences. I love how that works; why would a university schedule conferences for student mentors during a crunch week like this?
I got a little studying in on the math, as its exam is Monday. I feel about 60% prepared for it; better than I was before. I need to remember what all of the definitions are, which is hard, plus remember all of the proofs we've done thus far, which is even harder. Tuesday is set aside for studying for history; luckily, we were given a subset of identifications, so I only have to memorize 71 things rather than around 3-400. Whee.
Also taking up my time was the fact that I was adopted by a kitten on Thursday evening. When I opened my door to go to work, a grey kitten walked in, meowed, and began cleaning itself. It seemed so at home that I simply poured some food, water, and litter for it (from Molly's old stash) and took off. When I came back for lunch, the kitten had eaten the food, used the litter, and was asleep in my bed. The last few days have been spent acclimating myself to having a kitten around; Molly had been mellow since the late 80s, so it's going to take a while to get used to something which tears through the apartment at breakneck speed and wants to playplayplay all the time.
I got a little studying in on the math, as its exam is Monday. I feel about 60% prepared for it; better than I was before. I need to remember what all of the definitions are, which is hard, plus remember all of the proofs we've done thus far, which is even harder. Tuesday is set aside for studying for history; luckily, we were given a subset of identifications, so I only have to memorize 71 things rather than around 3-400. Whee.
Also taking up my time was the fact that I was adopted by a kitten on Thursday evening. When I opened my door to go to work, a grey kitten walked in, meowed, and began cleaning itself. It seemed so at home that I simply poured some food, water, and litter for it (from Molly's old stash) and took off. When I came back for lunch, the kitten had eaten the food, used the litter, and was asleep in my bed. The last few days have been spent acclimating myself to having a kitten around; Molly had been mellow since the late 80s, so it's going to take a while to get used to something which tears through the apartment at breakneck speed and wants to playplayplay all the time.
That's so cool that a kitten appeared on your doorstep! Was it already in your apartment building or did it come in from outside? Do you think someone might try to claim it?
I think my gerbils will be ok. They're from the same litter and they lived together for 1.5 years before the 'tail chomping' incident. I think they just got cranky. I had another pair of gerbils a few years ago that I had to separate permanently; they'd been chasing each other around for quite a few days and then one of them started relentlesly biting the other one all over the flank. I also had a pair once that got along great for 3 years until one of them got old and sick and I came home one day to find that the other had neatly disemboweled his 'friend' and left him belly-up in the centre of the cage cult-style.
I've heard that hamsters are tricky to keep in pairs/groups - I gather that you had the misfortune of witnessing trauma-inducing rodent violence on a regular basis as a child?
P.s. Sylvia plath is one of my heroines!