Even though I like my job, work has been pure. unadulterated. HELL for the past few weeks.
Three people have left, and we're normally an 8-person department, and people have STILL been taking vacation and personal time depsite this. YOU do the math! Things should finally turn around after Labor Day, but in the meantime, a little lovin' and liquor would do me good...
I'm hoarding all my overtime for the Rennaissance Festival, to get my coveted pinstripe corset and some jewelry from Uncommon Adornments. I observe 2 very important "holidays" each year: Comfest and the Rennaissance Fayre. (Christmas?! Phfffft! My annual BAH FUCKIN' HUMBUG! tirade is a special treat that awaits you all in December
) Also, my car is yelling at me for its 60K service, and my iPod is yelling at me for a new battery. Pesky, demanding, high-maintenance inanimate objects! Almost as bad as kitty cats! Or LOVERS!
Love ya loads like horny toads,

Three people have left, and we're normally an 8-person department, and people have STILL been taking vacation and personal time depsite this. YOU do the math! Things should finally turn around after Labor Day, but in the meantime, a little lovin' and liquor would do me good...
I'm hoarding all my overtime for the Rennaissance Festival, to get my coveted pinstripe corset and some jewelry from Uncommon Adornments. I observe 2 very important "holidays" each year: Comfest and the Rennaissance Fayre. (Christmas?! Phfffft! My annual BAH FUCKIN' HUMBUG! tirade is a special treat that awaits you all in December

Love ya loads like horny toads,
And if you don't mind a little co. I will be joining you for your BAH FUCKIN' HUMBUG in Dec.