I am not a morning person. Never have been. My job requires me to be there at 7:30. I am going to sleep until the last possible second before I have to wake up and leave.
My lovely boyfriend is definitely not a morning person. His new schedule requires him to be there at 6 am.
Frankly no I don't want to wake up an hour before I have to be up just to take you to work because you don't want to walk. Its a mile from our apartment. But I have been anyway because I love him and I want him to get to work.
Why doesn't he have a vehicle you might ask. His bike is in the shop and has been for a few weeks. Before that he wasn't making enough money to get it fixed.
When he was first given the 6 am shift we talked and he said he would walk. Everyday since then he's woken me up for a ride. Yesterday He did it again but for some reason it pissed me off. I was tired And cranky. I did a bad thing and popped off. Said something not so nice. I immediately apologized and felt instantly guilty. But here's what is really boiling my blood now: he didn't talk to me all day yesterday. I came home and he hardly said anything. This morning he was such a jerk because he had to walk to work for once. What really gets me is I told him it's not fair because if I say no, he will be mad at me. Which is EXACTLY what happened. I don't mind helping the people I love But I've been helping him a lot for the past year and something months we have been together. I don't usually say no But I'm tired of always saying yes and feeling like I'm being underappreciated. And I'm pretty positive he wouldn't buy groceries and give me money for bills if he was just using me. Let alone put up with me lol
So if anyone happens to be reading this what do you think? Should I keep giving him a ride or let him throw his fits?