Hey guys! Sorry for my lack of commenting and posting and such over the pst few days. Have you noticed? I dunno man.
I'm in Portland now! Was in Seattle.
Seattle was a lot of fun, though I ended up really sick the first night we were there and I didn't sleep because of it...So I had to reschedule one of the shoots for next time I come down. Second shoot went really well though! We did 2 or 3 sets for Zivity that I'm excited about. I'll be editing and going through those photos over the next little bit! The photographer was kind enough to transfer the RAW files directly to my laptop!
When I was 18 I worked for this gym that had adopted the Pike Place Fish Market motto. Basically, in order for people to enjoy their jobs they have to be able to be positive and have fun. So we watched training videos based off of that, and I had always wanted to visit the Pike Place Market after seeing that video. FINALLY we got to go there! It was so cool. They had one girl from the "audience" pulled up there with them tossing fish around, it was so cool to see in person. We explored around there a lot...Lots of crazy construction in Seattle that just doesn't make sense. Pike Place market is an insane amount of levels and shops, super cool. On the second day we went to Pioneer Square and wandered around a bit. Unfortunately the disc of one of my dermals fell off so we had to spend a bunch of cash on a cab to a place that had discs and a piercer on hand. It was on Capitol Hill which was a really neat area, and the guy who put my dermal back on had horns. Fucking RAD.
Then we hopped on a bus this morning and came to Portland! Saw some chick almost get into a fight with a small black fellow...He said, and I quote, "I ain't afraid to slap no bitches!". So that was my first experience in Portland! Hello Portland. Hahahahaha
So today is Friday the 13th an we check into our B&B at 2pm, then hopefully we'll head to Powell's books.
Tomorrow we (Liam and I) have no plans, and then on the 15th I have a shoot from 10:30-2:30 but I'll be done after that. Sooo uhhh ladies. LADIES. Come at me. I'm hanging out with the lovely @praesepe at some point, who else wants to meet up?
ALSO WEED. GUYS. I tried getting weed in Seattle and it was the funniest and most sketchy experience in my life. We asked this guy with dreads that came recommended by a guy we found smoking a joint (HAha already fucking sketchy) and he like silently led us around this park asking people and then came up to us eventually and quietly was like, "Nah man sorry nobody got nothing". But we had no clue what was up. Are we supposed to follow you? Should we stay behind? This is scary? Jesus. Anybody know of a legit place I can get weed in Portland, or can somebody provide me with a nug? Ill love you forever and give you an instax.
FOR LIKE $100 ! Soooo fuck yah. Instax.
K I'm done, I'll post a bunch of sexy things later.
Thank you to every single one of you who shared my photo for the SG Hopeful contest. I don't think any of the ladies got to the 2500 needed shares, but I can't even believe that almost 400 people did that for me. I'm so happy. I haven't heard anything back, and my profile hasn't turned pink, but my set is still doing pretty well and I still have some hope that they may purchase it. If they don't, at least I still feel really wonderful and at least I still have you guys behind me supporting me :)
Love you all <3 <3