It's been quite a while since i've blogged about myself so I thought it was about damn time! Every time i'm away from SG I miss it dearly. Though I still check up on my messages/notifications every single day I don't feel nearly as connected as I do when I blog.
My summer so far has felt like what I can only describe as a very confusing roller coaster ride. I made the TERRIBLE mistake in quitting my job a few weeks back before finding a backup job due to issues with the management. I was registered with a government employment program which basically payed my employer 70% of my hourly wage. Since they only had to pay me 3$ an hour they took advantage of that and made me work nearly every single day of the week. I have a long history of mental illnesses and one of the only escapes that keep me sane is the time I get to spend alone. Working 6 days a week for 8-13 hours a day left me with little to no alone time; I tried to explain that to them and they ignored me so I decided to leave. Now i'm unemployed again and living off my life savings. A summer with close to no money is a curse and a blessing. I may not have the cash to take trips and do fun activities but it does make me appreciate the little things.
Like when my pup decides to lay on my face because I won't give her attention. Isn't she the cutest?
Or the fact that my brother just set up a gym in our garage and put up a punching bag so it gives me crazy motivation to work on my fitness.
Meeting random strangers on the street and getting them to dance with my friends and I. (may have been a little intoxicated for this one)
Hilarious drawings at my favourite restaurant of all time ! Hahaha I giggled at this for quite some time.
Taking selfies in grimey mirrors !
and this last one was a little last minute get away to my friends godmothers house in the middle of no where. Sat by the campfire with some friends, smokes, vodka, ruffles and reminisced on the early days of our friendship. How cute?
OH and then we went streaking. Ps. this is not me ;) Hahahahaha