The title does not deceive you. I am twenty-five years old in 2014, and this is my first ever attempt at blogging. So, I guess here goes fuckin' nothin'.
"Not only am I talented, bitch I'm fuckin' passionate." - Odd Future
I feel this sums me up pretty well. There are two things in this world I love more than anything. One is food, and my greatest love of all is film. Those are the two things that make life worth living for me. I've worked in restaurants most of my life. I also have my name in the credits numerous times on an award winning film. I love my girlfriend, but she plays second fiddle to my first two loves. She's cool with that, because she is cool like that.
At any rate, for my very few followers, if you have a question, any motherfucking question, ask me. Let's get to know each other.
Also, here is a picture of me smoking in the walk-in freezer.