ok, so now i am ready to write something worth someones while. I havent been the best person to be chatting with lately, mainly because everything has been so static, and i have been dealing with some major internal issues as of late.
I feel like i just remembered that there is a world out there to interact with and i need to get out. It is strange how easily it is to get comfortable in a house(or appt) that you like and everything just kind of cacoons around you. Damn videogames dont help alot either. I havent been calling friends, missed alot of live shows i really wanted to see, and have been drinking way too much. After being sober for the last week however, i am feeling a little better. I feel like it is time that the sleeper must awaken, and if you get thet quote-right on. So now it is all about getting back to action. Time to be social again, make the calls, do the footwork, re-establish the bonds that tie my friends together. Man it seems like alot of work, but I love my friends, it has been unfair of me to disappear. Maybe i'll throw a little party finally. Yeah that would be good. but when..hm... i'll get back to you all on that soon.
I feel like i just remembered that there is a world out there to interact with and i need to get out. It is strange how easily it is to get comfortable in a house(or appt) that you like and everything just kind of cacoons around you. Damn videogames dont help alot either. I havent been calling friends, missed alot of live shows i really wanted to see, and have been drinking way too much. After being sober for the last week however, i am feeling a little better. I feel like it is time that the sleeper must awaken, and if you get thet quote-right on. So now it is all about getting back to action. Time to be social again, make the calls, do the footwork, re-establish the bonds that tie my friends together. Man it seems like alot of work, but I love my friends, it has been unfair of me to disappear. Maybe i'll throw a little party finally. Yeah that would be good. but when..hm... i'll get back to you all on that soon.
If you see a show you are interested in, let me know. I am starting to limit my "fun stuff" budget, but I do like to go to shows!