Well. My ex dumped her fish on me, a beta, and I had no idea how to take care of it. I tried to do what she told me but I found him floating today. I must have shocked him. I tryed to make the water the same tempature and everything but still. I don't know. I never really had a fish before. She pushed him off on me when he was getting fin rot. She just abandoned him, kinda like she did me in a way for no good reason.
Upset now. I might go buy a fish.
Upset now. I might go buy a fish.
Jan 12th: That first line sums up exactly how I am feeling right now.
The first word that dame to mind was Service. I stopped after that. Reminds me of a video game called Wordster. I play it sometimes at Benni's workplace.
That was a treat. Very amusing.
The "mothers with teenagers know why animals eat their young" made me laugh out loud. Although, for the record, my teenager is a godsend. I couldn't ask for a nicer kid.
Lately I can't seem to even have a nonsexual friendship with a woman without it getting weird. Which is unfortunate since most of my friends are women.
If you are ever in Minnesota let me know. I and the rest of the SGTC group will be sure to show you a good time.
Sorry to hear about the ex and the fish. Here is to hoping the new year brings better times for both of us.