Well Tuesday and Wednesday were quite a fun time...
I hung out with the Jenny and her very awesome English pal Blackwell. Tuesday we showed Blackwell what a cheesesteak was.
We took him to Pat's cheesesteaks. I know they aren't the best in the city but they are a good representation of what a good cheesesteak should be like. He was also intimidated by the way they took the orders... he had Jenny order. Later that day we then goto the lovely punk rock bar/establishment called tattoo moms. This is where mr. blackwell got very pissy... a brit without his beer. We were asked what we wanted to drink, the new waitress brings back some drinks and then asks for Ids. Well lets just say I was the youngest one and I was the only one who got served! They didn't bring their IDs with them, and they were both either near 30 or were 30. We then ran into CombatBarbieDoll who was there waiting for some guy there. She was trying to be nice and buy the angry englishman a beer but Jen said he shouldn't not to get the waitress in trouble... so I drank that sucker... quickly. Then it was off to Mako's. That was a fun establishment. Well the bartender Lez made it a lot of fun. She was a fun sexy girl. We put back a few beers and had a few good laughs and then CombatBarbieDoll came through the door sayin the guy she was with was pretty dull. Then the two love birds... jen and the now happy somewhat buzzed englishman go back to Tattoo Moms to say hi to Jen's favorite bartender. I stay with CombatBarbieDoll and talk with her and the staff... It was a good time. I then leave and contemplate buying 3 tickets to see Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah for the three of us. But only find 2 tickets. But good thing I didn't I find Jen and Yusuf walking and Jen right away hails a taxi, Yusuf was stumbling. End of the night pretty much.
The next day we headed on up to NYC, which I must say with those two we had a blast even in the car, while arguing which chain has better coffee... Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks, you guys should help us out with this debate. I said Dunkin Donuts because the price isn't so high and they don't burn their beans. Jen said that Starbucks was better just because it was Starbucks! Other then that we had a smooth trip besides the truck who wanted to illegally go through the Holland Tunnel and Jen wanted the cops to arrest the bastard. We then took Yusuf to the WTC site where they once stood... and afterwards introduced him to a bagel the right way... and he enjoyed it!
Then we subbed it to lower east side to show him Jen's old territory. We showed him the dive known as ABC No Rio, her stomping grounds, then got some good grub at one of Jen's old jobs, well I did anyway. I got a lovely spinach and portobello mushroom quesadilla... mmmmmm delicious! Then we booked it to shop around St.Marks... where lots of money was exchanged and more could have been exchanged but we held eachother back!!! Then Yusuf and Jen needed food, they decided on an Afghanny place. We were walking in and I saw that they had a Hookah menu and proceeded to flip out and say JEN!!! THIS PLACE HAS HOOKAH... HOOKAH HOOKAH HOOKAH!!!!But found out there was no Hookah until 10pm. Later we head to CBGB's to show him the place that punk rock musicians want to perform in, but we missed visiting hours and they said if he wants to come in he has to buy a ticket to the quite aweful show. Then we proceeded to enter the gallery for them to grab a last drink and Yusuf ordered a double jack which came to a whopping 15 dollars!!! My jaw dropped, this punk rock organization charges two shots for what the bottle costs!
The lovely Jenn and you can see me peerin over her shoulder
The Ride home was quite something, I took a wrong turn and ended up goin over the brooklyn bridge and decided hey it will be cool lets go through Staten Island to get home... then Jen was sayin worst move ever, since the bridge is 9 fuckin dollars!!! But then it was smooth sailing from there!
My friend from Louisville is coming to the tri-state area and is staying with me for a couple days... I got her a belated bday present while in NYC, she loves those japanese cutesy animal things, well I got her a Domo-kun at a store, which I hear are hard to find, plus I got tickets for us to see http://www.myspace.com/harryandthepotters " target="_blank">Harry and the Potters I can't wait, I haven't seen her in quite some time! Well I hope you enjoyed the long entry, peace out...
Public Enemy
Majority Rule
Alice Cooper
Splitting Headache
I hung out with the Jenny and her very awesome English pal Blackwell. Tuesday we showed Blackwell what a cheesesteak was.

We took him to Pat's cheesesteaks. I know they aren't the best in the city but they are a good representation of what a good cheesesteak should be like. He was also intimidated by the way they took the orders... he had Jenny order. Later that day we then goto the lovely punk rock bar/establishment called tattoo moms. This is where mr. blackwell got very pissy... a brit without his beer. We were asked what we wanted to drink, the new waitress brings back some drinks and then asks for Ids. Well lets just say I was the youngest one and I was the only one who got served! They didn't bring their IDs with them, and they were both either near 30 or were 30. We then ran into CombatBarbieDoll who was there waiting for some guy there. She was trying to be nice and buy the angry englishman a beer but Jen said he shouldn't not to get the waitress in trouble... so I drank that sucker... quickly. Then it was off to Mako's. That was a fun establishment. Well the bartender Lez made it a lot of fun. She was a fun sexy girl. We put back a few beers and had a few good laughs and then CombatBarbieDoll came through the door sayin the guy she was with was pretty dull. Then the two love birds... jen and the now happy somewhat buzzed englishman go back to Tattoo Moms to say hi to Jen's favorite bartender. I stay with CombatBarbieDoll and talk with her and the staff... It was a good time. I then leave and contemplate buying 3 tickets to see Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah for the three of us. But only find 2 tickets. But good thing I didn't I find Jen and Yusuf walking and Jen right away hails a taxi, Yusuf was stumbling. End of the night pretty much.
The next day we headed on up to NYC, which I must say with those two we had a blast even in the car, while arguing which chain has better coffee... Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks, you guys should help us out with this debate. I said Dunkin Donuts because the price isn't so high and they don't burn their beans. Jen said that Starbucks was better just because it was Starbucks! Other then that we had a smooth trip besides the truck who wanted to illegally go through the Holland Tunnel and Jen wanted the cops to arrest the bastard. We then took Yusuf to the WTC site where they once stood... and afterwards introduced him to a bagel the right way... and he enjoyed it!

The lovely Jenn and you can see me peerin over her shoulder
The Ride home was quite something, I took a wrong turn and ended up goin over the brooklyn bridge and decided hey it will be cool lets go through Staten Island to get home... then Jen was sayin worst move ever, since the bridge is 9 fuckin dollars!!! But then it was smooth sailing from there!
My friend from Louisville is coming to the tri-state area and is staying with me for a couple days... I got her a belated bday present while in NYC, she loves those japanese cutesy animal things, well I got her a Domo-kun at a store, which I hear are hard to find, plus I got tickets for us to see http://www.myspace.com/harryandthepotters " target="_blank">Harry and the Potters I can't wait, I haven't seen her in quite some time! Well I hope you enjoyed the long entry, peace out...
Public Enemy
Majority Rule
Alice Cooper
Splitting Headache
P.S. DUH Of course we can do whatever you want, you're the one Drivin' Miss Crazay!!!