I've recently discoverd soy ice cream. Its the bomb. I can't believe its not milk.
Today is beautiful. Probably the last nice day before the humidity hits.
I'm going to meet a girl I graduated from HS with on Friday. I knew her in HS, but didn't "know" her. She didn't even know who I was. But there's no friends like new (old) friends.
My show on the 27th is being moved. Updates to follow. Promoting is very stressful, but totally worth it when you are in the middle of a pit that wouldn't have been possible without you. Well, the bands help too...
The Loved Ones: Keep Your Heart might be the best album I've ever heard. That sucks because I have tons of friends who've put out tons of good records, but good is good. I've never really connected to every song on a CD before. But if you feel like you've been treated like crap by a girl, then I highly reccomend it. Its nothing new, I just feel this way from accumulated experiences. But there is a line in "Breathe In" that goes: "I'm building calluses where I'm supposed to feel"
Today is beautiful. Probably the last nice day before the humidity hits.
I'm going to meet a girl I graduated from HS with on Friday. I knew her in HS, but didn't "know" her. She didn't even know who I was. But there's no friends like new (old) friends.
My show on the 27th is being moved. Updates to follow. Promoting is very stressful, but totally worth it when you are in the middle of a pit that wouldn't have been possible without you. Well, the bands help too...
The Loved Ones: Keep Your Heart might be the best album I've ever heard. That sucks because I have tons of friends who've put out tons of good records, but good is good. I've never really connected to every song on a CD before. But if you feel like you've been treated like crap by a girl, then I highly reccomend it. Its nothing new, I just feel this way from accumulated experiences. But there is a line in "Breathe In" that goes: "I'm building calluses where I'm supposed to feel"

At least you get to go home to Sophie, my life stinks all the time
Hahahahaha, me=pwn3d.
My life rocks; I just overcommited myself with work and have been bitching up a storm about it recently. Which in and of itself is kind of stupid since I freelance, and know very well how much more it sucks to not have work than it does to have too much.