i feel devestated once again. my ex andrew called me yesterday night to tell me that its officialy over between us and that hes gettign back together with his ex and shes moveing out here. i hate this. i didnt know what to say to him besides well as long as your happy. i went to bed crying last night. just so many things have been happening and its overwhelming.
i had to put my kitty down i lose my boyfriend and the person i always ran to is gone and dating someone else.
normally when ever i get sad like this i just need someone to hold me and tell me its going to be okay but i have no one now im completly alone.
i just feel so sad i dont know what to do with myself its horrable.
i need to move on. he told me he loved me and i let him into my heart and put myself out there. i opened up to him and told him about my past. he never judged me he only loved me. and now hes gone.
everytime i find someone who makes me happy i get disapointed.
its like im constantly heart broken
i had to put my kitty down i lose my boyfriend and the person i always ran to is gone and dating someone else.
normally when ever i get sad like this i just need someone to hold me and tell me its going to be okay but i have no one now im completly alone.
i just feel so sad i dont know what to do with myself its horrable.
i need to move on. he told me he loved me and i let him into my heart and put myself out there. i opened up to him and told him about my past. he never judged me he only loved me. and now hes gone.
everytime i find someone who makes me happy i get disapointed.
its like im constantly heart broken
hang in there cutie, if you need someone to talk to ya know how to find me

I am sorry to hear about your boyfriend but just remember you are a beautiful woman both inside and out and will find someone better just give it time.You are not alone if ever you need to talk about anything just give me a holla I might not have the answer but sometimes it helps to have someone to listen take care and let me know how you are doing