my breakfets has been consisting of newports and mountain dew been like this for a few days now. i think i lost my appitite. i need someone to make me some yummy food so ill want to eat.
plus im bored and depressed. i put my kitty down and i miss him. and i havnt had any shit to get me fucked up and i miss that.
i miss my boy even more. were on a break right now and i hate it. i miss him sooo much. his ex is in town so i cant see him till she leaves. he has to get closer or something gay like that. my worst fear is that hell get back together with her. everytime i find someone i really like i get disapointed. i opened up my heart to him and i fell like a ton of bricks.
when we first got together we never tought we would get this far. neither one of us wanted a realtaionship when we met but it happend. and it got to the point were we told each other i love you. than when his ex found out she broke up with her bf and is out here from fucking fl.
i know part of his heart will always be hers they had a intense relationship but why cant he just move on.
i just wish he would call me. i just would like to know were i stand.
everyday we spent together was amazing. and everyday we would see each other but now hes gone and i dont know what to do. for over two months he was my world and now that hes gone i have no one to hang out with and nothing to do.
its hard for me going from seeing him everyday to not seeing or hearing from him. the last time i saw him was wesday night. we spent our last day together befor his ex got here and i miss him so much
plus im bored and depressed. i put my kitty down and i miss him. and i havnt had any shit to get me fucked up and i miss that.
i miss my boy even more. were on a break right now and i hate it. i miss him sooo much. his ex is in town so i cant see him till she leaves. he has to get closer or something gay like that. my worst fear is that hell get back together with her. everytime i find someone i really like i get disapointed. i opened up my heart to him and i fell like a ton of bricks.
when we first got together we never tought we would get this far. neither one of us wanted a realtaionship when we met but it happend. and it got to the point were we told each other i love you. than when his ex found out she broke up with her bf and is out here from fucking fl.
i know part of his heart will always be hers they had a intense relationship but why cant he just move on.
i just wish he would call me. i just would like to know were i stand.
everyday we spent together was amazing. and everyday we would see each other but now hes gone and i dont know what to do. for over two months he was my world and now that hes gone i have no one to hang out with and nothing to do.
its hard for me going from seeing him everyday to not seeing or hearing from him. the last time i saw him was wesday night. we spent our last day together befor his ex got here and i miss him so much
i'm sorry about your kitty. i've had to do it twice in the last year and was a brutal day both times!
i don't understand why people just can't get over an ex?
and sexninfo4life, greatest name ever! i hope it is true!