Tuesday Sep 06, 2005 Sep 6, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email i admit. im a comment whore. it makes me happy. so leave me one and make me smile. VIEW 24 of 24 COMMENTS y: It didn't sound lame - thanks! In case you're wondering where the hell I came from - I noticed you on SG Scotland and just thought I'd be friendly. That and I like to make a merry nuisance of myself on people's journals Just kidding, of course. Sep 7, 2005 ampersandwich: Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! Comment! ahem Sep 7, 2005
In case you're wondering where the hell I came from - I noticed you on SG Scotland and just thought I'd be friendly. That and I like to make a merry nuisance of myself on people's journals