my girlfriend told me about this site. people post their secrets by sending in a postcard with their secret on it and it is posted up here. i got this one off there and it made me laugh. i wonder if its just me, but thats the beauty of psychiatry. you go in, tell your problem, and get meds for it. but who said you cant lie? i tell the truth for the stuff i need, but its a great way to get some klonopin and sleeping pills. dont worry, its not like i sell them. i take those too. hey, you never know when youre gonna need them. am i the only one that does this?
but i digress. i think its great to have a place to tell your secrets. some of them are just funny. others are quite sad. people admit on there about being sexually abused or unhappy in marriage or wanting to kill themselves. ive always felt the same way about this place. i have no problem talking in here about how i feel, even though i know 90% of the people on my list outside of here.
so, in honor of tell your secret day, heres one i never shared with anyone. i was in elementary school and was on the bus. there were 2 boys a year younger than me that started poking me. at first it was a joke. but then they started grabbing at my chest and between my legs. i was so upset when i got off the bus my teacher sent me to the vice-principals office and i told her what happened. she had the boys parents come in and they had to apologize to me. i wonder if they even remember this. but to this day when i see them, i want to gorge their eyes out. and this is the reason that when any man touches me without my wanting it, i blow up in their face to make them feel as small as i did on that day.
anyone want to share a secret???
yes'm, i'll be in attendance.
I'll pencil you guys in for tomorrow. My friend from out of town broke plans the last minute so I'm free. I won't get there until atleast 10 though.