ok, its time to fill everyone in on what happened. a few weeks ago, i was working on this project for this asshole attorney. it was a brochure and he gave me a few sentences to type in. it was a rush job so i did it and got it out to him. a little bit later, i realized that my keyboard was broken. it was wireless and picking up only some of what i typed in. so the part i typed in for him and gave him was all fucked up and he threw a fit. he went to the ceo of the company about it. my boss got in trouble, her boss got in trouble, and i didnt know that he demanded whoever did it gets fired. now this wasnt something that went out to any clients or anything. it was a work in progress that ive been working on for week and continued to do so after the incident with no following problems. and they keyboard was replaced- it had something wrong with it so they got me a new one.
i didnt go to work on friday cause i wasnt feeling well and the temp agency called me and told me what happened and that i was no longer working there. i was hysterical. i had a shit weekend worrying about it but my boy was here to watch silly movies with me and take my mind off my problems. that and the fact that we spent saturday afternoon in a spa getting massages and facials (thanks dad for the present) really helped relieve some tension.
but i got a call from my agency that they think they have an interview for me early next week. this is really putting my mind at ease now. besides, who wants to work for lawyers anyways?? now i dont feel so much that im looking at an empty road with the possibilities of what happened to me last time happening again. thank you everyone for your kind words and bright future wishes. i know youre right. everything happens for a reason. i love you all.
i didnt go to work on friday cause i wasnt feeling well and the temp agency called me and told me what happened and that i was no longer working there. i was hysterical. i had a shit weekend worrying about it but my boy was here to watch silly movies with me and take my mind off my problems. that and the fact that we spent saturday afternoon in a spa getting massages and facials (thanks dad for the present) really helped relieve some tension.
but i got a call from my agency that they think they have an interview for me early next week. this is really putting my mind at ease now. besides, who wants to work for lawyers anyways?? now i dont feel so much that im looking at an empty road with the possibilities of what happened to me last time happening again. thank you everyone for your kind words and bright future wishes. i know youre right. everything happens for a reason. i love you all.

As I was leaving she was (I think) getting a ticket for a noise complant. Told you it was nothing good. 

I was thinking of that part of the book before my date a couple of weeks ago. I gotta say, it works pretty well.