I hate hurrying up to wait. That's how the average Navy guy's time is spent. Sucks. Whatever, 'nuff bitchin'.

Just got Kill Bill v.1, watchin' it now. Looks kinda interestin'. We'll see.

Haven't talked to anyone in a lil'while... been out drinkin' and partyin' and shit. Good times. Hope all's been good for y'all.

I know I sound borin' right now, but I'm not in...
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Yeppers....things are going ok over here. How is Kill Bill?
Where are you? whatever
why in the fuck do i feel the need to remind myself why hangovers suck over and over again? puke ish... southern comfort wasn't last night. wouldn't've been so bad if i didn't have that physical readiness test and needed to run a mile & 1/2 timed. skull

anyways, things are good. getting fucked up on workdays again, but things are good.

and for yo... well, alright,...
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You rock so freaking much!!!! I just wanted to let you know that in case you didn't already. And bonus points if you truly find that damn season 7 because I'm still looking all over hell for it. frown

You have about another 6 months or so of hangovers....I was almost 23 before I realized how to drink to the "happy" point without getting drunk.....actually, it was after a Mardi Gras party at a bar where I got sooooo drunk I flashed the whole bar, puked on my brother-in-law, was carried out of the bar, and almost walked home with some guy I didn't know just because I thought I knew him.... blush Yeah, that's enough to make you stop getting drunk.... blackeyed
Well, I hope you don't get too bad of a hangover at least!! kiss
Right... updating time, I guess. Things really are pretty decent here, I just miss m'love. But, hey, I'm used to it by now. Navy life has a way of doin' that to ya. whatever

Work's been verrra nice and easy to me the last couple of days. biggrin I think I've had more mental stimulation from the journal of the lovely Ash than my job here lately....
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Awww....I hope he thinks so too.
awww, you mentioned muah! I never kept a journal before in my life, and I try not to talk too much abt myself because I think that would just be boring, lol. Plus it'd be kinda selfish if all I ever did was talk abt me me me me.
Are there any topics u enjoy talking abt?
well thanks for your input in my journal. I do know that religion is a touchy subject ... but I try to learn as much as possible abt the ppl on my friends list. I ask them what they think or feel abt certain things ... kind of a "get to know ya" deal. Religion usually brings up bad arguments if u do in on the boards, but since its my journal, I dont think my friends would start arguments on my page. (at least I HOPE not!)
Anyways ... glad to see you participating, and Ill see you around the site! wink
Well I worked on the railroad
For t'pence a day
Drank down one penny
The other I'd save
I hammered and I hammered
For God knows how long
Well into madness, with each setting sun
I put my head down and I dreamt you were here
With me by the ol' tree, where no one could care

Far Away Boys, Far Away Boys
Away from...
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*le sigh* i LOVE that5 song. its one of my favs...
Unfortunately, not a whole hell of a lot of ppl are as civilized and mature as us two, lol! wink I enjoy a debate, but when ppl I dont know just randomly show up on my page and start yelling at me ... ugh. I cant even tell u how many times thats happened since I got here, hahah!

Cheer up, sugar buns!
Ahh... I love my woman. She's amazin'. Anyways, had a good time with my Noey this weekend. It'll be our last time to see each other for a while (til after my next patrol, at least). Ish... the zoo's cool. Hellboy was actually an entertaining movie. Yeah... nothin' else. I just had a great time with my girlie... smile
aww..sweetheart. thank you for the compliments wink you make me feel all warm and fuzzie wink.
Yeah...I didn't get an explanation but the eyes are what most people told me was the best.
Well, in case it's not obvious by the ugly mug on the left, I got a new toy. biggrin I like it, even though it's odd snappin' shots of, well, me. whatever

Anyways, work was good - got to shoot live rounds for once (odd for a Navy boy, I know) and had a good time fuckin' around on the bus ride to and from Ft. Stewart....
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no, thank you....you're giving me an ego, complimenting my pix like that... biggrin
Well I can see that you no longer need my help for that camera wink
Hrm... I think I'm gonna do somethin' a lil'odd for me tonight. It's my payday, and I think I'm gonna go get a digital camera or web cam or somethin' and maybes actually put a picture of myself up. shocked Weird shit, I know, but I actually kinda feel weird bein' one of the only cats around here w/o my mug up. So, yeah.

Anyways, work's...
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ADVICE TO YOU!!! NEVER get a cheap digital, you will regret it forever. Bad quality images and oh so many problems will occur. I suggest you ask someone who knows abt cameras (me for example, lol) before you buy because they are sooo expensive and u dont wanna waste your money.

If you want to get a webcam ... thats a better idea. You can get a cheap one for under $20 and it'll take pictures for you. Make sure you get the picture taking ones (it'll say so on the box) so you can make pictures for your profile and other things. smile I hope this helps you, I just dont want you to make any mistakes you'll later regret!
Ish... well, yesterday work was good, today's another story. My command's keepin' me busy til like 9pm tonight. No fun. frown Ah well... I should be used to this shit by now.

Anyways, take it easy, have fun, and remember to never let your schooling interfere with your real education.
hahahaha! right ... thanks for the warning. wink
Yeah, I just got off work...unfortunately my schooling interferes with my education all the time. That's probably why I skip so much school.... blush
Right. Something weird happened today. Work actually cheered me up. I think it's 'cause we're getting ready to do gun shoots again. wink

But, of course... now that my love put me in a better mood at the end of yesterday, it's my turn to try to cheer her up today. Ah well. It's kinda nice being able to lean on someone...

Anyways, hope all's good....
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Awww....that journal entry was so happy. It just made me want to do a little dance. ooo aaa
Welcome to SG Mil brother.
Right... bit of advice that we've all probably heard before - don't friggin' dwell on what you cannot change, and if you don't like what you can change, then do so. Somethin' I needed to remind myself of a lot this weekend.

Heh, now I know why I wasn't sure about goin' on the beach a bunch this weekend - gave me too much time...
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LOL.....those lines were pretty funny!! And thanks for reminding me about doing that CPR thing....now if you could just remind me again tomorrow, that would be great!! biggrin

So why did you need to keep reminding yourself of that this weekend?
Bullshit trainers on base are done. Thanks the gods! Ummm... yeah. Things are really good with me and my lady. Get to see her again soon. biggrin

Well, yeah. Wish I had more to say, but it's just one of those days, ya know? Ah well.

Be good, or be good at it. wink