im still no further into The DaVinci Code, but so far I like the style so I'll take your advice on his other book! I think my dad has it, so I'll steal it from him, even better.
yep, it was work where i discovered the fun of a tape measure. i was looking through the desk for something to play with and found a tape measure and was like "oooh im gonna measure things". amazing what you find interesting when you're really bored. hehe
so mum has just baught herself a new digital camera, so expect some new pics of me up here soon as i have already been delegated to set it all up on the puter and try it all out. so there will be new pics of scars, piercings and beards later this week
No worries if you can't, I totally understand about the money thing, that's why I'm not going until November anyway. I might make it up your way at the beginning of next year anyway as I try to get up to see tantra666 once a year too. I'll let you know if I do and we can meet up for a beer or two
well the meet on sunday was another resounding success* with a total of 1 person turning up [and they are't even a current member right now ] got to watch the first half of the Chelsea v Arsenal game and bumped into a few friends ive not sen in a while, so not everything was lost
sunday night i went round to a mates house... Read More
i thought i'd shock people and put a dead body in my journal. yum yum! too bad you're too far away for sunset junction, i'll take some pictures though, don't worry!
i think ive gotten back to most [if not all] of the people that left me nice comments whilst ive not been around. anyone ive missed sorry ill try to get back to you soon
everyone else ill try to catch up with you as soon as i can. im not getting much net time right now as my puter chair is really uncomfortable so... Read More
That's right it is an offshore drilling rig that i'm on. Sometimes it's fun...... it all depends on who you're working with. Trust me if you're stuck working with an idiotic individual for 5 weeks you'll pretty much feel like "walking the plank" on some days
Thank you! I'm kind of expecting my school to call me up and tell me that was an error...I suppose I better get a lot of celebrating in before that happens then!
im finaly out of hospital, got out yesterday afternoon after 2 and a half weeks in there
i went in on the friday, the day i was due my op, but for various reasons beyond most peoples control i didnt have the operation until the following thursday.
suffered a few complications after the operation, all resulting from a heavy blood loss... Read More
the shit has just hit the fan with me and i will be away from this wonderful site for several days at some point this week, ill explain all when i return as im not in the mood right now
I know I promised you all a proper update, so I guess I better give you all one
So the past two weeks I was looking after a friends house up in Droylesden (sp?) and havent been able to get online as much as I am used to but it was great to have my own double bed to sleep in and not have to... Read More