... i'm not really sure when this free thing i have ends, but just in case i miss that day, au revoir...
... i wish this place felt like it used to...
i still feel like i used to. cum and get it.

... obviously someone loves me enough to buy me three months of sg, that or it's a brilliant marketing scheme to get old members back, whatever the case may be, thanks...
Welcome back, man. It's been fun seeing all of these long-grey friends resurrected on my friends list. Hope life is going well for you.

i think its a trick,. i got one too.
... boooooooring...
Hey You! I Saw that it's your birthday today, so...
*blows big kiss to you*
xoxo kandice
*blows big kiss to you*
xoxo kandice
... well hello sg, i haven't been here in well over a year, but the original member rejoining discount sounded too good to pass up, so i'll be back for at least a year. a lot has changed, i'm no longer married, and i have moved to a new coast, i have to be to work in a bit, so new updates are soon to...
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FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!
Times have changed........
I'm not sure how much longer i'll be here, but its good to see Starsandsmokes ressurected.
Peace & Love Turdwater
Times have changed........
I'm not sure how much longer i'll be here, but its good to see Starsandsmokes ressurected.
Peace & Love Turdwater
Yep, I'm still here for a little while longer. Not very active though.
I hope things are going well. I've missed talking to you; I've been going to bed early!
I hope things are going well. I've missed talking to you; I've been going to bed early!
... well, it's official now, i'm unemployed, and on my way to canada at the end of the week to once again be with the girl that i adore, my wonderful wife. the trip should be a good bit of fun, i'll get to see so much of the country that i've never seen before, and i'm not shaving for the next couple weeks, which...
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Stars and Smokes,
Take care in the wild, wooly north...
sorry I didn't get yr message in time. And when I did get it i was drunk so...that counts for something I suppose. Good luck pal.
Take care in the wild, wooly north...
sorry I didn't get yr message in time. And when I did get it i was drunk so...that counts for something I suppose. Good luck pal.
Just wana send a reminder about the Summer Party for 8pm @ DV8

... i'm going to go die now. not only did i not get to go to the wilco show tonight in d.c., but the webcast of the show only worked for like 3 or 4 songs. so as i get on sg i see that there is a braid show on the events list, and i'm like what the fuck? braid broke up... ahh, but...
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right on perhaps i will get to meet you guys soon then.

you are totally butthead!
and yes i did get the sonic youth dvd as a promo from nick
i am missing so many good concerts because of this stupid wedding... i just wanna stay home now....
Luv Sinn
and yes i did get the sonic youth dvd as a promo from nick
i am missing so many good concerts because of this stupid wedding... i just wanna stay home now....
Luv Sinn

... vodka filled watermelons are fun...
... i want to feel something besides what i'm feeling right now, this horrible mixture of anger, sadness, depression, frustration, anxiety, impatience, doubt, hate for myself, hate for everyone else around me, and general loathing, i just want to feel something. i never ask anyone for anything, yet i give the world to anyone who asks, without wanting a fucking thing in return. i want...
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...are you going to committ suicide?.... if you are could you let me know before hand? thank... just kidding!
cheer up sweetie... it's not all that bad, i just think you think too much and you shouldn't... just relax and be happy....put a band aid on you scab and get back on track!
sorry for the lack of communication, i've just been adjusting to the new job and all the stresses that come along with it, i think you should go to military school... or you could be a mortician with me...that'll toughen you up!
Luv Sinn
cheer up sweetie... it's not all that bad, i just think you think too much and you shouldn't... just relax and be happy....put a band aid on you scab and get back on track!
sorry for the lack of communication, i've just been adjusting to the new job and all the stresses that come along with it, i think you should go to military school... or you could be a mortician with me...that'll toughen you up!
Luv Sinn

ps...and remember that my frustrations and sadness are my own and usually have very little to do with you...you're not here and yes the distance sucks, but honestly you're paranoid and that just creates problems more than anything...just settle down... the last entry of mine really wasn't aboot you at all, and i knew you thought it would be, but it wasn't...relax okay... go smoke a joint or something..
pps...if you don't cheer up i'm gonna put a spell on you!
edited for pps...
[Edited on Jun 06, 2004 6:50PM]
pps...if you don't cheer up i'm gonna put a spell on you!
edited for pps...

[Edited on Jun 06, 2004 6:50PM]
... update...
you suck!

... it's been a while since i've been here, it seems like it's been a while since i've been anywhere of any worth besides drunk, oh well, another day another fucking stupid day...
... i love you. see you soon, but not soon enough...
... i love you. see you soon, but not soon enough...

... my days are going by in a meaningless blur, i can't seem to keep her off of my mind. no matter how soon i get there, it won't be soon enough...
dude do you even check this anymore? Oh and send me one of those pics of Katie were her boobs are just barely contained in that Weed and Seed shirt!
you have good taste in music...
you're in PA, you should go to the free wilco show june 6th in pittsburgh!
you're in PA, you should go to the free wilco show june 6th in pittsburgh!