Stars and Smokes,
Take care in the wild, wooly north...
sorry I didn't get yr message in time. And when I did get it i was drunk so...that counts for something I suppose. Good luck pal.
hey buddy I'm leaving SG as of the 23rd, probably won't come back, but who knows. We need to get together soon! Peace...
Cinco De Mayo approaches....

news flash...I got new business cards...yes, it is a boring week....
Hey did you die? Want to go to a mud wrestling party with me on Saturday (starts at 3 though, and we need to leave by 2 to get there), think about it. Plus, send me the work you want to contribute to the walk via my email. I'm going to collect it all so I can redistribute it properly to all the venues.

... hello, are you alive? rumor on the street is that there is a party at my house this friday, be there, or you will never see your precious (insert something you like a lot) ever again...
this week is all about the new iron and wine cd "our endless numbered days", the new Modest Mouse cd and video for Float On (very vivid and featuring many fake mustaches of which we all love)...hellboy was pretty good. Perlman rules the screen despite some cheesiness at trying to shove Hellboy into a "Men in Black" kind of world.

Hellby the comic never did...
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well you get no deals cause you can't spell. Sorry. Just kidding, I actually have no clue, what are you looking for specifically? My sister's looking for a printer too, this is very weird that everyone is looking for a printer. Oh well, did you do that Meet up thing the other night? Holla back bitch.
No I mean they just Rocked! They were a messy hardcore band, with extreme Fugazi influences. You'll like them. A lot of political hoppolla. Where are you seeing them at anyway?
i have the hopes of a novel stirring in my stomach today...though I haven't been able to take time and sit down and write for ages. my mind's responsibility valve is only open for thinking about the immediate present or trying to make a future...

just finished Big Sur, Kerouac's last proper novel in which he cracks up from too much drink and fame, so...
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ahh yes the headaches, and the heartaches. Come my brethern we shall retire to the study and sip cognac by the fire. Smoking jackets don and huge pipes sifting tobacco leaves into a fine ember that leaves our heads light. We'll gaze upon our many trophies, the heads of ferocious beast or tales long ago. Reminising of a time of play and adventure. Talk about the next big game and the world we haven't explored. Then I'll fall over clenching my heart, one last moan before I pass and you'll finish your pipe and sifter and mount me on that wall of friends you outlived again. Must be difficult being the Duke and Dracula at the same time. wink
... looks like i'll be seeing you tonight...
just heard the three new Bad religion songs off the new album....not impressed. bad pop arena rock with weird breaks, vocals that can't match the tempo, and cheesy rapping (Im not kidding).

they have basically become the music that punk rock was invented to destroy...
not impressed ya dont say?? c'mon did you really expect to be?? also.. your picture is fantastic..... go you!!!
yeah, ten years of sucking takes its toll i suppose...
How much stuff can I break in one week? ever notice how errors compound upon themselves and conspire in forgetfulness...

driving hours with a burnt tea kettle on my mind and when I arrive i still feel my mind running to next week and the week after and....

I made out with an 18 year old! Sorry, don't mean to brag, okay maybe a little.
... ever noticed how andy is a dirty bastard? i'm just kidding, but i'm still going to rag his ass about the 18 year old thing...
Jim Caviezel is christ-arific. Well, I haven't seen The Passion yet but want to, despite the probably well founded rampant opinion that Mel gibson did not include any context for this movie's point.

Also the Triplets of Belleville looks like a great animated flick.... and then Starsky and Hutch (even bad Ben Stiller movies are worth seeing usually)...
how did you know I was going to be here? Oh well. I thought you were going to be gone for 2 weeks, that was like 10 days tops, maybe 8. I'll have to see those photos of course. I work till 5 tomorrow, so maybe tomorrow night! Oh and next weekend, the 28th, I need you to ride with me down to pick Chris up at the airport. You game, I know you are! Latesky.
... thanks!!! and have fun on your stay in london. i wish we could have gotten to harrisburg to hang out that night, but maybe when we i get back we'll make it there and we can go have a couple drinks...
happy valentines day. i will never change this picture though. have at it. look out though. the fica tree is watching you.
now hospitality dictates that you reply to these people and tell them that they are nice for coming all the way out to see your journal. And you know how to do that right? just click their names and add a comment, wala, your a natural replier.

I'm harsh when I pay for things and they don't get used...
... yeah, what he said...