Been so long since my last update. I have been around but have been caught up in the boards. Specifically,with this thread,"Members who need to get naked, Like Now!", Subrosa is truly a god, of what I'm still not real sure, but I will take the time to reall find out.
I will give a better update tomorrow, during work, sure, thats a great use of my time at work.
Love and thumbtacks!
Edited to add: I do love the little Kinkerbelle_69, she really is one of the sweetest.
I will give a better update tomorrow, during work, sure, thats a great use of my time at work.
Love and thumbtacks!
Edited to add: I do love the little Kinkerbelle_69, she really is one of the sweetest.
lol, *purrr*
Oddly enough, that was like the best compliment ever!!! I love my little Starkarc!!