I'm been struggling over the last few months with my life as it is, basically I'm going stir crazy.
I need to move. I need to live somewhere where my life isn't planned for me weeks in advance even though I feel very out of control. I want to order my own food in a town that doesn't know me. I want to meet someone...
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I need to move. I need to live somewhere where my life isn't planned for me weeks in advance even though I feel very out of control. I want to order my own food in a town that doesn't know me. I want to meet someone...
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Hope you made whatever changes you needed to make and that things are now going well.

happy birthday!!!

Me too. At least I think I do. If you are talking about the same kind of thing I am.

I hope you are right. Since the weather is changing then maybe they will too.
Somehow I doubt it.
Somehow I doubt it.

i like blogging more than most.
i just have them all over and never can hold one for too long.
i'm trying to fix this. when I have decided on a format that i love i will inform you of where that is.
i just have them all over and never can hold one for too long.
i'm trying to fix this. when I have decided on a format that i love i will inform you of where that is.
I had to tell you that I am in LURVE with your tattoo on your leg!! It's perfect!

Good to see you are back around again anyways. Hope life is treating you well.
so i made the list. somehow shit always comes back to you.
We don't get to see the list?
I'm currently compiling a list of things i want in a future boy-lover. I think this will help me cure the patterns that were emerging.
I'm also redoing my room, it's like a face lift on my life, I feel so good!
I'm also redoing my room, it's like a face lift on my life, I feel so good!
Gotta love rearranging the room!
You look just like a girl who works in the office upstairs from mine.
You work in St. Paul?
You work in St. Paul?
My eyes hurt, my head hurts and my heart hurts.
I need a foundation before I can be in a relationship. But if in the end I lose you completely that will be hard to bare.
We both need to be our own people, and share love in the middle ground. Not start in the middle and hope our branches are strong enough.
I will...
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I need a foundation before I can be in a relationship. But if in the end I lose you completely that will be hard to bare.
We both need to be our own people, and share love in the middle ground. Not start in the middle and hope our branches are strong enough.
I will...
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Hope this works out for you!
i love your tattoo
My dog is wonderful, I love her, but her nick name is WONDER DOG because she's kind of stupid. Like just now, she tried to get the bird outside, but ran smack into the window, nearly knocking me off my stool. She's special, and that's why we love her.
i saw your 'work in progress' tattoo in the tattoo group and just wanted to tell you that it/s beautiful!
Love the tattoo!! Who is the artist? Or are they copying a picture?
I'm currently booking for Le Cirque Rouge (a burlesque troop) in Minneapolis. We're looking to get some shows going in other places so if you're interested or know of any good venues let me know!!
I'm very excited!
I'm very excited!

i went up north this weekend for some quality fishing with my grandpa, it was awesome.
brought some fish home for eating, yes ones that i caught, they taste that much better that way!
got eaten alive everywhere i didn't spray bug spray, damn bugs, now i itch.
brought some fish home for eating, yes ones that i caught, they taste that much better that way!
got eaten alive everywhere i didn't spray bug spray, damn bugs, now i itch.

thank you for your kind words.....
I have not been fishing in a while. What kind of fish did you catch?