still depressed. can't leave icky dirty house. am running out of food. have no money. but at least i'm not crying right this second. i'm hoping that the depression breaks soon. cause i don't really know what to do or who to turn to anymore.
went to see my new therapist today but found out she doesn't take my insurance so i had to find...
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Yeah I could never do acid. Reality's too scary for me already.
The other thing is to not make the mistake of blaming yourself for other people's actions or shortcomings... being in a bi-polar state makes that a very easy mistake to make...
You are in a tough spot, one I'm familiar with... don't give up. Period. And learn to believe that you deserve more... someone to love you and take care of you the way you would love and take care of them...
Don't give up.
and if anyone wants to enlighen me as to how to post pics in my journal, you'd have my graditude forever. i'm computerly challenged sometimes. and i have a mac which is supposed to...
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got back from the lake and i told my dad about my apprenticeship and he didn't get angry!!!!!!
and i got tattooed today by the wonderful ben alvarez - just the outline of my left sleeve - but it looks great and i feel good about it. tattooing is good therapy for me sometimes. expensive, but good. and now i'm negative in bankaccount and have...
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Just remember; "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" That counts towards relationships too.
Have a great evening,
Can't wait to see your latest tattoo (and get mine); happy lube' ing...
having a sad day/bad day
too much drama in my life that really doesn't concern me
too few friends
not enough time with brian
dad stopped by and said to just get out of the house and off the computer and come down to the lake - no offense to my dad but he is the last person on this earth that can cheer me...
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unfortunately time is the only thing that really helps depression.
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i want to pose for SG anyway and will be submitting some pics fairly soon, and he's angry and hurt about that too. i think the female form is beautiful and should be shared. he doesn't think i should be doing "porn" and threatened to tell my parents.
dump his ass.
i'm just saying that because freestate is my ex-boyfriend (who's not on here anymore, since we broke up) and he and i used to go back and forth like that all the time. ALL THE TIME. it NEVER ENDS.
open-minded, sexually comfortable women need to be with open-minded, sexually comfortable men.
nowadays i'm happily in a relationship with cklarock and he is fuckin' lightyears ahead of my ex. he's amazingly cool and comfortable with things. his lines are where my lines are. keep looking. these boys are out there.
i wish i could give you a hug. and if you need some help cleaning out the room or whatever, maybe i could haul some stuff for you with my truck this weekend? just a thought.
good luck with the new job. work it!
[Edited on Jun 13, 2005 11:07AM]
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I finally have two days off. The past couple weeks my life hasn't felt like my own, but isn't it nice when significant others and friends make the days better.
Glad it turned out. You'll kick ass at piercing.
I'm on the road, so I haven't gotten to see my craft yet. I'm sure I'll love it-- I like all your other pieces you've posted!
I don't remember if I replied about the english major, kicking and dragging to business major thing. . . . I'm sure all are welcome, even if you are being practical!
so i amused myself by taking pictures - only two turned out decent - they're in StarGirl's Phots and my bling-bling is under private photos or soemthing...
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Next piercing you get, we'll do a healing right then and there; any excuse to get back to and hang out in KC. Had a great time there recently; wish I knew you then. Next time...
No wonder you're still healing; I was aiming too low... will get right on that.
We'll definitely hang out when I roll back through there... you ever on the East Coast? How about New Orleans? I will be working there in August.
(Edited for really bad spelling... jeez
[Edited on Jun 05, 2005 10:52PM]
still looking for a job - interview went well, i think, but all the apllicants seemed to have already finished college except me - hope that doesn't hurt my chances!
going to apply at target tomorrow monring before i go into freaks on 39th -...
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and pictures of your piercings would be lovely. =)
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the distance and the different language makes me a bit helpless...
here in germany i prefer to visit my friends when they're depressed, cause be close and eye to eye works better than a phonecall or a chat...