This month has just sucked. I have nothing else to say.
Dude its all good man.....things can only get so bad until all that can happen is improvement. So down with the shitty days cuase they hella suck
I just found out that Cattle Decapitation is playing with Soilent Green somewhere in Reading, PA. Gives me some excuse to visit my mom out there I think she lives around that area not in Reading though. I was going wait to see them play with Vital Remains and the Black Dahlia Murder in NYC. But I really like Soilent Green so I might make...
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Wowdue cattle decapitation is fuckin sic . You shoul take a half pound of rawbeef hhehehehe
Everytime I think I'm satisfied with a song I wrote, right before I record it I wind up scrapping one part for another, then go back to the original part I had and then scrapping that. I'm never content. I keep friggin changing everything I do. I don't think its a form of writer's block or whatever they call it because I'm happy with the...
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I really need to get back to work, I'm losing my mind being home all the time. It has given me the opportunity however to work on my music more than ever, but I can't deal with this much longer.
bout this qxts place...its pretty good...some nights are better than others...but i go there because

1. its closer than NYC
2. more rivet heads go there
3. drinks are cheaper than NYC
4. its better than batcave
Might be heading over to the city tonight, can't possibly imagine staying home 2 nights in a row on the weekend.
i stayed home for 2 nights in a row on friday and saturday. it sucked, but i get use to it.

I have to stay home all weekend because I can't waste money for the fact that I have no idea when I'll be back at work....This sux.
in response to a comment you just left on my journal....qxts is on mulberry street in newark...right across from the big post office.
I got to see VanBebber's Manson Family at the NY film festival Saturday.. It was really good, especially the murder scenes..
This blows.. I have no idea if there is even a metalfest this weekend but it doesnt matter cuz none of my friends would go anyway and I can't get there. And I posted a thread about the Metalfest and no one answered what is going on. is this whole world into emo.
Good it fucking rules.
The Madball website says Irvington on Saturday. I didn't think Metalfest was this weekend. At any rate, if you are going to madball, email me.
I can't believe no one wants to go to the March Metal Meltdown...Well it sux for me cuz I wanna go but don't have a license again till next month..
Who is playing? I have a license. Where is it? Are you goi ng to Madball this weekend?
Well I passed my journeymans exam so I'll be a rich mttherfucker in a year and a couple of months.
No I am not-not in NY at the moment...
Recorded the music for one song today, just have to add vocals..I have to take a friggin 100 question test tomorrow..thats about it.
yeah I saw them
They played some. it was an awesome show, i actually saw them twice on this tour
Its Friday 8:28 PM and I'm very bored and have no clue what to do tonight.