Y'know, it's getting harder to reconcile my urge to be an upright citizen with my urge to run away and join the circus.

Fuck law school, fuck it in its fucking ass.
HAHAHA!!! That's the spirit. Yeah, the circus is played, but isn't law school? I say go for it before the damage is done.
So, the neighborhood was overrun with Jesus freaks this weekend, and in light of that it was great to watch a young man in a Jesus costume have the following exchange with said freaks:

Freaks: Sinners of New Orleans! Repent, for the Bible says you shall be damned to hell for all eternity and...

Jesus: My children, my children! As your lord and savior, I...
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That's the greatest thing I've heard in weeks biggrin
I would have loved to have seen it

and thanks for the advice!
dont you just love bible thumping retards?
Y'know, when it comes to all these right-wing Christians and other sad, angry types who oppose gay rights, I think the best argument is:

Well I was dancing at a night club one Friday night
And that night club bar was a little uptight
Yeah, I was dancing all alone a little self conscious
When some kids came up and said, "for dancing come with...
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While I promote gay rights, I do oppose lesbian rights. Put the butch ones in the salt mines and their hot femme girlfriends in go-go cages, I say!

I'm not a right-wing Christian or some other sad, angry type, but I am a sexist pig! HA! Your Jonathan Richman argument rolls off my porcine back!

[Edited on Feb 24, 2004 4:47AM]
A friend put that song on a mix CD for me. smile
Wow. My apartment building appears in the background in the movie "Scooby Doo and Zombie Island."

For a straight-to-video cartoon, it's a pretty decent rendition of the place.
I remember having, at the age of five, an unhealthy love of Scooby-Doo, especially when Donn Knots or Mama Cass was the guest star. Ooooo. And that episode when Batman and Robin chased the Joker and Penguin into the house that flipped upside down! Oh! Oh! And the one where the spooky guy in the glow-in-the-dark antique diving suit! And... this is why I don't have a TV now.
Said Max Cleland today: "For Saxby Chambliss, who got out of going to Vietnam because of a trick knee, to attack John Kerry as weak on the defense of our nation is like a mackerel in the moonlight that both shines and stinks."
Would you like an extra helping of guilt with that?

I have to go to a wedding this weekend. If you live in New Orleans, this is the worst possible weekend to fly anywhere, because it is the weekend before Mardi Gras, so flights are expensive and rarely direct.

Long story short, I have to fly into an airport that is a couple hours away...
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The Savannah Morning News seems a bit perturbed with Ms. Coulter...
Go away, cookie man!!
Yes, The Onion and The Daily Show offer some of the best reportage, sadly.
Damning the whiner to photocopying hell might have been a well-justified abuse of power. How else have you tortured interns who've displeased ya?
Friday the thirteenth. Mua ha ha ha ha ha ha.

On that note, there are a lot of tourist "voodoo" shops around here that sell "voodoo dolls," alligator heads, saints' medals and those Che Guevara t-shirts (don't quite understand that last one). There are also a couple wicca-occult-style shops that sell capes and tarot cards and the like.

But F&F candle shop, a genuine botanica...
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Certain college males feel compelled to own some form of Che Guevara paraphernalia. Suckaz tongue
Finally put a picture up. Yes, I always look that uncomfortable in photos. No, I do not generally wear feather boas.
I do believe you should dress as Kubla Khan and wear a feather boa for Mardi Gras. Everyone should call you "hunny."

"I guess I would write a dirty limerick about the same member you chose, the conservative fellow. I just need to come up with something that rhymes with 'willfully ignorant jackass.'"

How about "a head filled with meringue morass?"

[Edited on Feb 13, 2004 6:56AM]
In my limited experience as an American who actually gives a shit, I've never seen anyone so thoroughly debunk the "Republicans-as-paragons-of-morality" argument. Somewhere Joe Conason is smiling.

I promise to jump into the fray just as soon as you and jakob_sweven forget to mention something -- if indeed that situation ever does present itself.

Well played.
Interview with uptight law firm tomorrow. Eccch.
what channel are the muppets on nowadays?
Do not poison yourself or potential new friends with the half-fermented apple juice you found stewing under a radiator.
This is why I like my neighborhood.

Saturday, 9:30 p.m:

A mule tows a giant cardboard-and-papier-mache vagina (emitting an eerie green light) down my street.

I can't make this up.
Whoa there Samuel Taylor Coolridge, time to stop hitting the opium pipe so damn hard. A giant vagina has already birthed and harnessed a mule. What else could emerge from the glowing green folds if you keep knocking on Kublah Khan's door?

[Edited on Feb 08, 2004 11:12PM]
This is the problem with recycling day:

I'm putting the blue bin out on the curb, and the man who runs the gallery across the street asks, "You guys had a big party and didn't invite me?"

Me: What?

Him (pointing at the contents of the recycling bin): Looks like you guys had a big party.

Me: Nope.

Him: ...okay.

So, I guess my roommates...
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... if Amish people aren't allowed to wear zippers, why are they allowed to go to Disneyland?

They're visiting Amish Hell? The rides simulate everything they want sex to be? Disneyland seems an antithesis of Amish values, so I've no idea. Ask an Amish person, then, in response to anything sounding like a rationalization, reply "That sounds so Catholic." You might as well put his/her pacifism to the test too.

I hate Disneyland because paying to stand in line is plain crazy. Plus, it seems rather passive and dull. I feel like a herd animal in amusement parks, which really grates my nerves.
The Amish allow the kids to have a couple of years in their teens to experience the world outside of the community, sort of a test to see if they'll return to the community. The first thing they do is send the kids to Disneyland, where the first thing Amish teens learn about the outside world is that it food is five times as expensive and the rest of the world consists entirely of terrifying rides and bizarre creatures with oversized wire frame and felt heads. Hence, their rate of return is pretty high.
I saw Harry Anderson (Judge Harry of Night Court fame) in the corner grocery last night. I said to him, "Hey, I know people probably bother you all the time, but aren't you the judge from Night Court?" He admitted that he was, so I told him, "You know, I used to watch that show all the time growing up, and even when it was...
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Bull was totally the highlight of that show for me. In a purely heterosexual manner.. love