X-Mas: Eight heinekens (sp?), three BOMB chicken enchiladas, a Batista action figure (BA-TIS-TA!), West Wing seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, my half of San Diego Comic-Con table paid for, $50 bucks from the grands, ECW DVD, a bunch of movies, good times spent with friends.
I should really be sleeping, but I'm about to buy the 17 dopest ELO songs off of iTunes, so I have something to listen to tomorrow on the way to work.
Treated my body like absolute shit this past week, gotta hop back on and start eating right again, and lay off the beer so much...
The Steve Agenda 2005 begins in less than a week. Can't wait.
Oh, and finally got the cover figured out for our next release, available in March...
I should really be sleeping, but I'm about to buy the 17 dopest ELO songs off of iTunes, so I have something to listen to tomorrow on the way to work.
Treated my body like absolute shit this past week, gotta hop back on and start eating right again, and lay off the beer so much...
The Steve Agenda 2005 begins in less than a week. Can't wait.
Oh, and finally got the cover figured out for our next release, available in March...
Wow your music really sucks hard!
Yep, that made it all worth the price of admission!
I actually brought all of Video back with me to do a straight read through. Again, that's some damn fine work, man.