We took living chicken embrios out of their eggs today in biology class. I watched the heart of a tiny 5 day old proto-chicken as it stopped beating.

Weird and interesting and fairly amazing. And kind of icky.
I'm going to be gone all next week. I'll be on Catalina island diving all week and everything is paid for by the government. Yay. If all goes to plan, I'll be certified to work for the Man as a diver when this is over.

I may even be able to get work abducting sea otters for science.
I'll be back on the 20th, come into the city again!
I went on a check out dive for my new job today and it was super fuckin' cool. This place where I'll be diving all the time has got to be one of the best dive spots in monterey and, for the most part, it's closed to the public. As soon as we got in the water we were surrounded by a mob of harbor...
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seals win the cute animal contest by a freakin mile!

Subject line of an email in my inbox:

Hahahha, Little Pe-nis U Have bullion depicting tapering

How did those genius spammers know about my little tapering bullion Pe-nis? I'm so embarrassed.
maybe the name "flop" gave you away...


GITD=Glow In The Dark. I guess I've spent too much time looking at the Archie McPhee and Cheesy Lights websites if I'm using their acronyms.

For the record: In my book, you will always be the high priest/ prophet of the Devil Duckie.
I'm wasting too much time on this site. I'm supposed to be doing homework. I'm a bad person.
Damn it. I thought I had a really cool job lined up at a marine research lab but now it's not lookin' too good. I can't get the woman who's supposed to be hiring me to call me back. I called her yesterday morning and she said, "oh hi, can I call you right back?" I said sure. I still haven't heard from her. If...
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pobre...I'm sorry.

I need a date...with a sexy squid guy.
I need a cheap (or free) video card. Mine went to video card heaven. I don't need a very fancy one... but I'd like one that's a bit fancier than what I'm using right now. 256 color is not sufficient.

Would you like to give me an old video card? It would make me happy.
Apparently, I made a post on a site about not having a spleen. I think it was a long long time ago. Anyway, someone sent me email about it:

[flop's real name],
I read your donations on the website about spleens. I have just had mine removed and am still at home recovering. Are you still doing well without yours? Do you take daily antibiotics?...
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Doctors, mechanics and computer techs usually do a fairly poor job of explaining important details after a procedure.

It's an area that needs improvement.
O-kay forget my last entry. The computer was just fucking with me. It appears to be toast. Looks like I'll be fucking over my credit card early next week to order a new one. Fuck.

The good news is that I have a second hand laptop. The bad news is that the bulk of my files are on the other machine. Fuck again.

Right now,...
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Cool profile pic! Yay for squid and octopi stories! How many people die each year from Giant Squid related deaths? You should do a PSA! biggrin

Portland's good. Nothing exciting to report unfortunately.

My computer just scared the shit out of me. I thought it was dead for sure. There were all sorts of fucked up lines on the monitor really early in the boot up process and I figure there was some sort of hardware death... it is 5 years old. However, I repaired the "master boot record" (whatever the fuck that is) and it seems to...
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My new profile picture features the lovely Dosidicus Gigas. AKA the humbolt squid, jumbo squid, or flying squid. They're usually around 5 feet long but they can get up to about 12 feet. They have sharp little tooth like things on the perimeter of their suckers so, if they grab you, you get a bloody circle. I want to go diving at night in the...
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I just joined your new group...I am soooo stoked...I was wonderin when someone was gonna start one for us salty dogs... wink

PS. I think giant squids are sexy... confused biggrin
Man, that's a gorgeous squid.
I LOVE the new group, thanks! biggrin
I posted lots of pictures 'n stuff.
You have to go to considerable trouble to live differently from the way the world wants you to live. The world doesnt want you to do a damn thing. If you wait till you got time to write a novel or time to write a story or time to read the hundred thousands of books you should have already read if you wait for the...
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