I just had the best cupcake I have ever eaten. The blueberry cobbler cupcake from Gigi's Cupcakes in Golden Valley. It saddens me that I will only be able to get them when I am down in the Twin Cities. Yet another thing to put on the Pro side for my "should I move" checklist.
Pho tai with radish kim chi, egg rolls and a few bottles of Mike's Hard blood orange is an excellent way to end a day that featured striking vendors, whiny shareholders and -30 degree windchills.
It seems like most of the blogs around here lately are nothing but pictures. Nothing wrong with that but it does sort of cement my belief that this community may not be a good fit for me anymore. I valued it is because it was private and I could remain relatively anonymous. It seems less so lately and privacy does not seem adequately protected. I...
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Wow, so it has been a long time. Looks like there have been a lot of changes around here. Kind of harder to navigate than I remember. Anyway, apparently I have a free account for the next few months. Not sure if I will stick around after that or not.
Hmm, this is interesting.

That kind of sounded dirty.
Well despite their protests to the contrary most people do choose style over substance.

I wish cats lived as long as people.

My sister had 3 cats, 2 of who were brother and sister. We had to put the sister down because of cancer. Her brother was extremely down for about a month+ But it was the best thing to do for the poor girl... she was in a lot of pain.
Just keep in mind the 18 years that you were able to have with her. That's a very long time for any animal. I hope I have as long with my dog.
I know she was very grateful to have had loving parents like you. ((hugs))

We found a Pomeranian wandering on the grounds. The sweetest little dog you've ever seen. No tags but she is clearly no stray. I hope we find her owners before I fall totally in love.
Our cats hope...
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I find I'm surprised by certain social situations like that a lot. Glad you ended up having fun.
when you have a great time it kind of last for a few days.
too bad it cant be every weekend ?
so whats new? any new passions ?

Do you think she just wants to...
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Ha, nobody loves you.