Been awhile since I've updated this, but big fuckin whup, noone reads blogs unless they've got some pictures in em right?
. It's cold as hell here.. Way below freezing with the windchill and I think it has a negative effect on people's moods (mine included). I say this because most of the people that I talk to on a daily basis are just kinda like "meh" when I inquire about how they're doing. It is truly bleak sort of weather. Aside from the weather and not lovin' it, all I really do is work-work-work it seems like.. I quit drinking (definitively this time), and it seems to really have shrunk my social circle. I guess I never really knew how many of my friends I only interacted with when I was drunk
. I'm seeing someone at this time, she's really great. Aside from the fact that she will tell me she's going out to get groceries or something like that, and then show up at home the next day after ignoring the hell out of any texts or calls I send her way. This sort of gives me this deep-seated feeling of betrayal. (Am I wrong to feel this way and be angry?) I keep questioning if it's a healthy relationship and whether or not I can recognize a relationship that is healthy.. Other than that shit.. I'm pretty much livin' like a boss. How are the rest of you out in SG land doin'?
Hopefully well. Much love and keep yo' head up..