So yeah.. Hey there.. Haven't posted a blog in a bit.. Just got over like a 2 and a half week upper-respiratory infection.. Which kicks ass during the summer because it seems to amplify the heat.. But I'm past that now.. Onward and upward you know? Finally got around to shaving my head and face again so I don't look like I just wandered out of the fucking mountains.. Although the girls at my work seem to enjoy that look.. it is not comfortable AT ALL..
.. There really is no point to this blog.. I'm just putting shit here because I grew tired of what was up there before.. I can breathe again so the whole world really seems that much better (literally, summertime plants and shit seem more GREEN!?) and I wanted to let everyone know that..
.. Aahhhhhh.. Anyhow.. I hope everyone is doing well and had a happy/safe 4th of July!
..As usual much love.. and best wishes.. P.S. If you haven't read anything by Neil Gaiman.. Go pick up some of his work.. It's fucking amazing.. True story.