So yeah.. Today pretty much sucked.. Had an incrediibbblly slow day at work.. Got rained out on my bike ride home from there.. Which wasn't so bad being that it was at least warm.. Stopped at my ex's house tryin to, you know, be chivalrous coming to her door rain-soaked and all that.. Did not work out well at all let me tell you.. I was greeted with an "I'm sick, I'm asleep.".. After 7 years i would hope for a more warm reception than that but that's life for you.. Then to top it all off.. I got ambushed by a waiting census bureau door-knocker as soon as I arrived home.. Bravo for this month's start.. Hopefully the rest of it will take a turn toward the sunny side and next time I put something on here it will be a bit more uplifting.. As always.. Have a nice day.. and in case it isn't the daytime. Good evening and goodnight..