Hello, whoever may be browsing through this.. and how.. are you? If you've read anything prior to this.. Then maybe you think that I may seem sort of dreary.. This is entirely not the case.. I've just had a difficult last sort of half year or so.. Culminating in the last 2.5 months or so.. in which alot of awful things have happened.. I will for your own good.. Give you the abbreviated version of what has transpired in that timeframe.. in October a good friend of mine decided to take his own life.. He was a great guy.. would give you the shirt off his back.. and noone ever saw it coming.. the point to take from this is simple.. You need to hold onto the people around you that you care about with a sort of ferocity.. because you never know when someone could be hurting real bad and fear reaching out for help mending that hurt.. then around Christmas.. my little cousin was killed in a vehicular accident.. Only 3 years old and cute as a button.. it was awful.. Noone to blame for it either.. Once again, something can be taken away from this tragedy. Life is a precious and beautiful thing.. so please for your own good.. Hold onto all you have tightly.. hold it close.. because it could be taken away in an instant.. and if you do lose something or someone close to you.. don't grow bitter toward the world.. I know that seems easy but in the end it will cheapen your experience in this life.. The third occurence was the ending of a 6 year relationship I had with my girlfriend.. it was terribly painful but it had to be done.. for both of our own good.. What can be taken from this? I won't detail it but.. Don't ever let someone back you into a corner.. and don't ever accept anyone's excuses for why they mistreat you.. I know this was sort of a winded blog.. But I don't write them often so I tend to just do one large exhalation of whatever the fuck is on my mind.. At this juncture it was alot.. if you've read this.. I sincerely hope you never have to deal with any of these scenarios.. if you do or have my heart goes out to you.. And please.. Live your life like everyday is Christmas morning when you're a kid and you're bolting downstairs to open Christmas presents.. Live your life like it's too damn good.. Tough times will come and go.. If you end up with lemons.. Paint that shit gold.. that's what I always do..