Celebrating: that my submission for a chapter in a collected essays publication called something like "Parades and Protests" has been accepted. Bring on the fame and notoriety that will inevitably follow. *snicker*
Scheduling: the actual writing of the essay itself. Yeah, I did the whole put-in-the-submission-before-actually-writing-the-piece, trick. Still, it's not due 'til November so I've got plenty of time... (famous last words, anyone?)
Asking: how long can you sit at a computer, alone, all day before becoming a social outcast? I think I'm on the brink... or just over it.
Scheduling: the actual writing of the essay itself. Yeah, I did the whole put-in-the-submission-before-actually-writing-the-piece, trick. Still, it's not due 'til November so I've got plenty of time... (famous last words, anyone?)
Asking: how long can you sit at a computer, alone, all day before becoming a social outcast? I think I'm on the brink... or just over it.
it was actually a reflection on my six years of photographing protests and where i see myself and my photography in terms of the north american protest movement (toronto and new york, to be specific, although i was raised in the peace movement on the west coast of canada). i also talked a lot about the progression of my protrest photography and how i approach it now. i'm in an undergrad photography program, so our thesises (sp?) aren't nearly as academic as those done by people in other programs.
congrats on the acceptance, btw!
I`m glad you didn`t abandon SG afterall, I know how you feel tho.