Bawling: my eyes out. But in a good way - my sister is pregnant.
Planning: the Xmas menu. It's going to be a seafood Xmas, I think.
Reading: the weekend Sydney Morning Herald. My newspaper subscription ran out a month or 2 ago so I've been reading news online. I forgot how much I prefer reading the broadsheets spread out over the dining table with a cat sitting on some part of it. Seriously, I prefer it that way.
Wishing: everyone a safe and fun silly season with lots of fantastic loot.

Planning: the Xmas menu. It's going to be a seafood Xmas, I think.
Reading: the weekend Sydney Morning Herald. My newspaper subscription ran out a month or 2 ago so I've been reading news online. I forgot how much I prefer reading the broadsheets spread out over the dining table with a cat sitting on some part of it. Seriously, I prefer it that way.
Wishing: everyone a safe and fun silly season with lots of fantastic loot.

Happy New Years! Hope the festivities were at least half as good as your xmas (which sounds like it was unreal