Gathering: my courage. I have to get a tetnus shot today and I'm not looking forward to it.
Waiting: to hear back on that job interview from last week and the other job application that is in the works. I actually want the latter so that's making me nervous.
Rousing: on my cat for catching a bird yesterday. The bird lived, thank fuck, and I know that's cats for you but I still got cranky about it.
Recovering: from Freaky's family Xmas on Saturday. We had a pretty good time and it was right near the water at Lake Macquarie which which was lovely ... but they're an odd bunch of people.
Waiting: to hear back on that job interview from last week and the other job application that is in the works. I actually want the latter so that's making me nervous.
Rousing: on my cat for catching a bird yesterday. The bird lived, thank fuck, and I know that's cats for you but I still got cranky about it.
Recovering: from Freaky's family Xmas on Saturday. We had a pretty good time and it was right near the water at Lake Macquarie which which was lovely ... but they're an odd bunch of people.
In case you're available. 

of the ipod or the bed sheets?