Saturday Oct 29, 2005 Oct 29, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Continuing: to job hunt. I didn't get that last one. A shame 'cos I could've done the work with my eyes closed and it paid well. VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS thefuckoffkid: Pffffft. Oct 30, 2005 dogslife: Are you hunting in the academic job market? If so, I can't wish you luck--what you could really use is a miracle. There should be a smiley or something up there to indicate I mean that jovially and not as a total Mr Downerpants. [Edited on Nov 02, 2005 11:04AM] Nov 2, 2005
There should be a smiley or something up there to indicate I mean that jovially and not as a total Mr Downerpants.
[Edited on Nov 02, 2005 11:04AM]