Sorry kids, checking out indefinitely, not certain whether i'll be back before free subscription lapses. Hugs, kisses, and whatnot.
seriously, i have no intention of removing you from my friends list. so come back soon ok?
frown smile kiss ARRR!!!
Hey I hope your doing well.
I got an offer, a coffee shop job. Damn cool. I've always been anti-nepotism, anti-GOB networks, but, at this point, i simply can't feel too guilty about getting a job because i know somebody.

Any thoughts on temporary suspension of ethics? I live in a community which exists predominantly under the poverty line, and this exact phenomena has kept me jobless for over a month....
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i promise to (generally) stop saying things like this, but your naked body is something very special. there're many around the site but...i've looked at your set 3 or 4 times and still have an OMFG! moment. your skin, figure, skin ooo aaa and attitude give me a very special shiver.

[feel free to e-mail me every outtake not posted here. wink ]

in my mind, your plight versus the plight of others shouldn't be a determining factor in taking a job. the salient consideration is whether you will do justice to the risk your acquaintance has taken, and whether your efforts on the job will match those of others that weren't hired.

the social engineering of the neighborhood is something the members of the community should address collectively; your individual responsibility is to give it your best, not make sacrifices.

[what a bunch of bullshit! just take the job, girl!]

richard calder the somewhat-sci fi author? i haven't heard of him, but did check amazon. do you recommend any particular starting point in his library?

michael chabon's Wonder Boys is indeed the basis for the movie. it translated very well to the screen, but the movie leaves out subtleties in the lessons the main characters are learning. in other words, the movie is entertaining, but the book entertains AND at the end leaves you thinking about your own motivations in life. the same is true of The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (read Mysteries first!).
Fortunately or unfortunately, in job hunting it's often about who you know. Which doesn't always mean that an unqualified or undeserving person gets the job... just that it helps to know people. I think that's why "networking" is such a big thing these days... Making contacts gives you more opportunities in the future.

If you're qualified for the position... be grateful that you knew someone willing to hire you. A lot of us (I'm unemployed) would be happy to be in your position. Ethical dilemma and all....

Clear as mud, right? confused
No one will hire me. That's all. No one will hire me and i don't qualify for any aid, and i have no idea what to do at this point. Blah. Blah, blah, blah. ARG. But, hey, SG's free for the moment, and what more do you need? HA! Take that, stupid world. I've got access to variegated tasteful(ish) nudity.
david's stuff is pretty much in the same vein as DFW's, but less angst-ridden and oh-so-joyfully shallow. after Naked, your next read should be Me Talk Pretty One Day.

if you want the same tone in a novel, you should be reading Michael Chabon. Wonder Boys is an amazingly funny, yet tender, book. however, you really should start your Chabon reading with The Mysteries of Pittsburgh. it's a short book, and will allow you to better appreciate the satire, farce and more complex characters of Wonder Boys.

Save The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (also Chabon) for some dark period in your life when you feel ready to read and analyze a serious work of literature.
finding work is a pain.. in the inbetween times.. i look for pharmaceutical research companies.. they pay well usually.. as long as you are ok with having blood draws every hour for however long the study is.. eating some unfavorable food... and taking a drug that is not fda approved (but usually you can find drugs that arent' that scary.. my last one was birth control pills.. only 3 pills.. and one was a placebo) feel free to email me if you want links to some websites that list labs worldwide.