Like TFOK said,Sydney SG has gone a little quiet of late,there are a few clubs going on, there is Blink at The Agincourt Hotel on Broadway (nr Central Station) it seems popular tho i must admit i have never been or for something a little different there is Take It Or Leave It at Kellys on King ( King st Newtown) which plays lots of Reggae,Ska and 77 era Punk which i go to on occassion and can be quite fun and its only a short stumble to the Townie from there.
If in doubt look for a copy of our local street press 'Drum Media' and that will tell you whats going on and where,im unfortunately working over the weekend so i wont be going anywhere but i hope you have fun anyway
You back already? I forgot to say that there's a new burlesque club called Black Cherry. I am pretty sure it's in Newtown but it's a way out. It's on Friday nights and BeaEffEff says it's great.
"Hello? Is that Hawt-Profile-Pics-R-Us? Great. Listen, I have a friend who really needs some hawt new profile picturess...Oh wait, hang on...looks like she's already called you! Never mind."
Sooooooooooooooo... went on the date with my new admirer...
He is so fantastic.. we had such a wonderful time Im very excited about the way things are going at the moment.
Everything is looking up!
Watch Out World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hm... ok....... went to the movies with my dad yesterday... that was nice.... the boys went and washed the car.... (something i have not done since the water restrictions have been in place - meaning i can't was my car at home.. only at a car wash.... not something i wanna do...) and i really should get some cleaning done today... but hey......... so when are you seeing the boy again?!
Well i think all the awesome advice i received last week has paid off *claps hands for all involved*
Why am i feeling so great...? "She's always so gloomy" you say...
1. Pay Rise!!
2. I have a date with a boy - Although Im freaking out about that at the same time...
3. Its raining... I (heart) the rain!
Bachelor of Science: Earth Science, pretty much anything that could think of that is topical at the moment in the media environmental science wise, that's what I am learning about with a few other things thrown in.
You know what... I really dont know whats going on anymore.
People are so messy and hard work. Why do we bother with all this emo crap?
We spend our whole life trying to be accepted, to be recognised by others that we feel we have a connection with. We cry, we get mad, we poor soooo much energy into the hope that we will... Read More
Not happy 100% of the time, but being happy 95% is pretty good.
I'm onto my second marriage; 2 kids from the first (11 and 13 y.o) - my 3rd is due in October to my 2nd wife.
All I can say from my life experience is .... water seeks it's own level - it is more important that the person you want to be with is close to your own life experiences.
My 1st wife was too far from my experiences of family and socio-economic "level".
Her Mum was happy to be a single mum on the pension and that is exactly what my ex strived for and got.
My 2nd wife is perfect. We actually went to primary and high-school together (she was my formal partner), sounds sickly sweet, but it makes me smile as it is a bit of a fairy tale .... and I love it and her.
Her upbringing was like mine and thus we have similar expectations in life, careers, kids, travel etc.
You're a gorgeous, independant young women.
If you don't work at it - I find that it just happens.
Go with the flow.