So Im considering breaking out the ugly christmas sweater this year...
I'm leaving for St. Louis on saturday. Can't wait. I need fresh air and tough love type of people and less humid swamp slow life styles for a little bit.
Friday is pack and relax day...ahhhh to have a break...
::have a good night all::

for Val ^^

I'm leaving for St. Louis on saturday. Can't wait. I need fresh air and tough love type of people and less humid swamp slow life styles for a little bit.
Friday is pack and relax day...ahhhh to have a break...
::have a good night all::

for Val ^^

OMG do it.... a white turtle neck and raindeer vest.... with a light up nose... DOOOOOOOOO IT!
what happened to your gorgeous faaace? You took down your pics
But I would like to see that christmas sweater.